
Friday, February 22, 2013

Was Jesus a Liberal?--Part 2

Thank you for some of the comments and wise counsel I received after posting Part 1 of WAS JESUS A LIBERAL, this morning.

Here is what I ended up writing in response.  I pray that my words come across as CONFIDENT and not PRIDEFUL.  I also remember that the WORD OF GOD WILL NOT RETURN VOID.  If we put it out there....something will happen.

Sorry guys....I'm out. I could dismantle (relative #1) comments all night. Sadly,
you have missed the purpose and point of Jesus' mission.

He didn't come to make us all Democrats or Republicans, and he didn't come
to save the world...He came to offer you eternal life if you would REPENT of
your sins and BELIEVE in Jesus alone. "No other name is given under heaven
for the salvation of men." Not the Dalai Lama, Muhammad, Krishna, Buddha,
Confucius or any other name you can make up. "No man comes to the Father
but through me." -Jesus-

Funny how sending an FBI chart on the lack of rifle murders turns into a
conversation on Jesus....( was that (relative #1) who just couldn't resist throwing
his name into the discussion?)

17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to
save the world through him. 18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but
whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not
believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. 19 This is the verdict:
Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light
because their deeds were evil. John 3

Jesus has clearly warned and offered the FREE GIFT that can't be
earned...but the gift has to be accepted. Jesus said in Matthew 7,

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the
road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is
the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find
." -Jesus said, right after the "judge not" passage that Steve has often

Everyone has to make a decision on Jesus and who He is....either he is a
pathological liar who made all sorts of crazy claims or He is EXACTLY who He
said He is....God, the creator of you, me and everything in the can't have it both ways.

Now!...back to rifles, criminals and more laws being written for the
criminals to try and obey! : )


Relative #1:
I didn't didn't say Jesus would be a Democrat. I said he would more likely
be a disruptive LIBERAL today as he was in his day.

So, perhaps I'm misinformed. I'm open to the fact that I don't know
everything. Show me the list of CHRIST-LIKE INITIATIVES proposed and
championed by conservatives (of either party). If that list is longer than
than those proposed by 'liberals' (of either party), I'll concede. now he is now asking to see CHRIST-LIKE initiatives offered by Republicans vs Democrats...and if the Republicans list (conservatives) is longer...than he will concede that Jesus is a conservative...and NOT a DISRUPTIVE LIBERAL!

Well??  At least he is thinking about Jesus...right?  Of course remember that his Jesus is an electric car driving, gay man who gives people free food and health care and organizes the community to get old people to the voting they can vote for Obama!  And then they can stop by the OCCUPY WALLSTREET protests to disrupt things while looking for SOCIAL JUSTICE!!

If it wasn't all so almost have to laugh!!

So now I feel like I am committed....I have a chance to give CHRIST-LIKE sentences to 4 lost family members.  I hope I did a Christ honoring job of it.  (I doubt Jesus would say "suck"...but I did)

Republicans and their initiatives SUCK! Democrats and their initiatives
SUCK! How many times do I have to say that? They have ALL bankrupted and
corrupted this nation. Democrat was just arrested for screwing little kids,
Republican was arrested for getting oral sex in the Mpls airport from
strange gay man, how many politicians have been accused of stealing money,
taking bribes, screwing interns, lying to us, signing laws making it legal
to kill babies, etc....

We have elected exactly the leaders that we deserve!!

This world is a sick and fallen place. Always has been! Read your daily
news and you will quickly figure out that many things seem to be spiraling
out of control on many fronts....exactly as Jesus and the prophets said they
would. Women killing their kids, Arab spring destroying cities, Muslims
blowing up each other by the thousands, strange meteors, Catholics screwing
little boys in the Vatican, 70% of black babies born out of wedlock,
nightmare conditions on the Indian Reservations, divorce exploding leaving
trails of troubled kids, porn exploding onto cell phones and damaging our
youth, 2000 college kids killed EVERY YEAR FROM BINGE DRINKING, murder and
mayhem EVERYDAY!

Do you think the Democrats or Republicans are going to fix that? Really?
Pull out your calculator and tell me what 4% interest on $17,000,000,000,000
debt is? And no budget in sight!! Awesome!!

Now here is the GOOD NEWS:

When we all take our last breaths, or a meteor hits us, or the Lord returns
(1 Thessalonians 4)...whichever comes will not be asked ANYTHING
about your party affiliation, you views on guns, the balance in your 401k,
how big your house was, how often you went to church, how often you served
food at the homeless shelter, how much you gave to poor people, whether you
were Lutheran, Catholic or Covenant, etc....THE VERY FIRST QUESTION when you
open up your eyes in eternity will be..."Did you have a PERSONAL
RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ?"

I guarantee you all that the words you DO NOT WANT TO HEAR on that day is
Jesus saying these simple words, "Depart from me. I don't know you."

The fallen world would like everyone to believe that ANYTHING THEY CHOOSE TO
BELIEVE will be alright and that EVERYONE goes to be with their creator in
"heaven" or "nirvarna" or "reincarnation into better body" or you just dry
up and become dust forever....but I challenge ANY OF YOU to find the words
of Jesus/God that say ANYTHING even remotely close. He said it over and
over....ONLY ME!! END OF STORY! And yes, he said, YOU WILL ALL BE ALIVE
for eternity someplace.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whomever
should believe in him WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE." Period. Not "them" and
"anything you choose"...but HIM.

Philippians 2:10
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and
under the earth,

Whether you BELIEVE that or not really makes no difference.....The Lord said
that is exactly what is going to happen. So I would suggest that if you
haven't already, ask HIM to tell you if this is True and then decide if
Jesus was a pathological liar OR is He God? Logic dictates that you can't
have it both ways. You can't just say, "I think he was a pretty good guy",
because pathological liars aren't "pretty good guys....they are liars.

So after pouring out my "CHOOSE CHRIST BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE" salvation message....relative 3 now decides to chime in.

Relative #3;
In the mean time, how 'bout we stick to dealing with problems in the secular world?

And the crickets played on...chirp!...chirp!...chirp!

Friends, the word of God is foolishness to those whom are perishing.  Who is perishing??  ALL WHO REFUSE JESUS!

Please say a prayer for Relative #1, #2, #3 and #4.  God knows EXACTLY who they are.  Pray that they would ask Jesus to reveal himself and show them THE TRUTH!


1 comment:

  1. I recieved these comments from a reader via email, but got permission to post them. Thanks Luke!

    I read your blog on Jesus being a liberal. It is so amazing to see how warped the image of Jesus has become. People identify love with conformity and that couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is the Word of God. When we understand the truth we can find joy that only God can give. The truth is convicting and reveals to us our human condition, that of a retched sinner. One clear point that exclude Jesus from being a liberal would be that He never accepted sin. He accepted us, our human condition, but He never once said it is ok to be who you are. We are to conform to His will and desires and be stripped of our own. Every teaching, parable, He gave spoke about our human condition and the fact that we need Him. Jesus was not pro government, liberals are. Liberals are about making us all the same, Jesus was about individual personal relationships with Him where His good works are accomplished, not ours. Liberals glorify themselves in their works,Jesus was glorified in God's works through Him. From the beginning the Church, God's work through the Church, was the sole benefactor to the needy. Liberals have not only stripped God of His work but have somehow claimed it as their own by taking from others when God asked for obedience. They have stolen the glory from God's work. Jesus never stole glory from His father, He always gave thanks and praise. There is so much more but I will leave it at that.
