
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Call Down Fire From the Sky

Revelation tells us that the Antichrist will be able to call down fire from the sky in the sight of men.

Of course this will be during The we will be gone, BUT, it makes me wonder if this will have some sort of connection to UFO's and what people left behind will believe are extra-terrestrial ships and the 'visitors' who may be in them?

Today we have this headline;

UFO sightings on the rise in South Africa

Sightings of unidentified flying objects off the coast of Cape Town have increased dramatically and may indicate that the inhabitants of the Mother City are under surveillance by life from another planet, according to the founder of a website set up to log such incidents.

Gert Jordaan, founder of UFO Research of SA, said that between February 21 and February 27 many people reported seeing bright orange lights and flames in the sky.

He said that while some sightings could be attributed to meteor showers, others could have a more interesting explanation.

"Though meteors do glow orange, some of the sightings reported radical change in direction and speed. Some objects even remained stationary for five minutes or so. There might be some UFO phenomena occurring in areas around Cape Town," he told the Times newspaper.

Mr Jordaan said one other explanation was that there could be "some top-secret aircraft" being tested in the Western Cape.

"The second possibility is that life from another planet is surveying ours for making contact and offering knowledge."

Nicola Loaring, outreach astronomer for the South African Astronomical Observatory, told the newspaper that the most likely explanation for all the sightings were meteor showers, which are made up of small rocks that burn up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

"They are very common. They glow orange, sometimes green, can change colour, and usually end up white," she said.

She added that people might be more aware of such occurrences, especially since the recent repetition of end-of-the-world predictions.


Flames in the sky??  Lights changing directions rapidly??  Meteors?  End of the world predictions??  Life from another planet making contact and offering knowledge?

Goodness!!  The possibilities are endless!!

Here is another possibility about "aliens" coming to earth and offering us "knowledge";

1 Timothy 4:1
The Spirit clearly says that in later times (Last Days) some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."

Some still say to me, "But Dennis, come on now!   Other intelligent life forms that aren't human??  You have been watching too many Sci-fi movies!"

My question in return is, "Explain to me what a cherubim is.  What about a Seraphim?  What about a nephilim?  How about Gabriel the archangel?  Are they humans? No.  Do they have intelligence?  Yes.  Are they in the Bible?  Yes.  How many of them have thrown in with Satan to deceive men?  What would they look like if they were trying to deceive men?"

Please feel free to email me your comments at;

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