
Monday, March 25, 2013

Dangerous Drift to War in Asia

Wars and rumors of war more talk of war in Asia between China and Japan.

Japan's national ideology is pacifist, and this is written into Article 9 of its constitution, which states that "the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes."
This peace complex adds a strange twist to events. It inhibits Japan as a muscular China presses its claim on the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands -- a cluster of uninhabited rocks near Taiwan -- and as Chinese warships push deep into Japanese waters.
Yet there is no doubt that Japan will fight.
"We simply cannot tolerate any challenge now, or in the future. No nation should underestimate the firmness of our resolve," said Shinzo Abe, the hawkish premier bent on national revival.
After talking to Japanese officials in Tokyo over the last few days, I have the strong impression not only that they are ready to fight, but also that they expect to win, and furthermore that conflict may come at any moment.
This post may look different as I am currently riding down Hwy 65 in Montgomery, AL typing on I Pad 
So we may also want to look at book of Daniel and wonder if what I am doing may apply to what angelGabriel said " and knowledge shall increase"

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