
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Has Iran Crossed the Red Line?

We know Iran is working towards a nuke.  We know that Obama and Israel have said that a red line will be crossed when Iran gets the materials necessary to assemble a nuke.  That event will trigger a strike on Iran.

(Washington, D.C., March 21, 2013) -- "Iranian scientists are working on nuclear warheads - and trying to perfect them - at an underground site unknown to the West, according to a high-ranking intelligence officer of the Islamic regime," reports Reza Kahlili, a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps officer who joined the CIA and became a double agent against the Iranian regime.

"The officer, who has been assigned to the Ministry of Defense, not only provided the coordinates to this vast site but also details of its operation," Kahlili reports. "The site, approximately 14 miles long and 7.5 miles wide, consists of two facilities built deep into a mountain along with a missile facility that is surrounded by barbed wire, 45 security towers and several security posts. The new secret nuclear site, named Quds (Jerusalem), is almost 15 miles from another site, previously secret but exposed in 2009, the Fordow nuclear facility. The power to this site comes from the same source as Fordow -- the Shahid Rajaei power plant -- with high power towers surrounding the site. Construction of the site started about the same time as Fordow, and in the second half of 2010 all industrial tests were completed. The site became 60 percent operational in 2011."

In an op-ed in today's Washington Times, Kahlili writes: "Images of a secret nuclear site known as Quds…show the regime has crossed the nuclear red line. In collaboration with North Korea, it is now steps away from arming its missiles with nuclear warheads. According to information from a high-ranking intelligence officer assigned to the Ministry of Defense, the regime's scientists have made a significant breakthrough in not only enriching to weapons grade, but have converted the highly enriched uranium into metal, a key step in building nuclear warheads. Moreover, successfully using the metal in making a neutron reflector indicates the final stages for a nuclear-weapons design that would be a two-stage, more sophisticated and much more powerful nuclear bomb."


Wow!  Lots of red lines being drawn all over the world!  This one in Iran, a chemical red line in Syria, and a nuclear red line in North Korea!

Keep drawing enough red lines and sooner or later someone is going to cross one...THEN someone will need to decide if they are serious about taking action or would they rather just keep pushing the red line further away?

"Now Matthew!...don't touch your mother's fancy china plates!  I'm serious, if you touch that you will be in big trouble little mister.  Oh you want to touch it anyway?  Well we are going to move that china on top of the table where you can't touch it do you like that little mister?  Oh you're going to climb on the table and touch it anyway?  You better think again sonny or else you are gonna be in so much trouble!!  Ok, now we are going to move that china on top of the counter where you can't touch it for sure!  That will teach you!  What?!... you're getting a stool to get on the counter?!  You quit that are gonna get in so much trouble!!  I'm gonna tell your mother if you don't get off that stool right now!"

Meanwhile little Matthew is saying to himself, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...I'll do anything I please!  That dude is all talk!!  All bark and no bite."

I realize we need to take war very, as a nation, you best not draw red lines unless swift consequences are the immediate result of being crossed.

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