
Friday, March 29, 2013

Here Come the Locusts

Have you noticed the recent headlines about locusts?

Today the headline is from Madagascar;

A severe plague of locusts has infested about half of Madagascar, threatening crops and raising concerns about food shortages, a UN agency says.
The UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) said billions of the plant-devouring insects could cause hunger for 60% of the population.
About $22m (£14.5m) was urgently needed to fight the plague in a country where many people are poor, the FAO added.
It was the worst plague to hit the island since the 1950s, the FAO said.
FAO locust control expert Annie Monard told BBC Focus on Africa the plague posed a major threat to the Indian Ocean island.
'Generation of locusts'
"The last one was in the 1950s and it had a duration of 17 years so if nothing is done it can last for five to 10 years, depending on the conditions," she said.

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Nearly 60% of the island's more than 22 million people could be threatened by a significant worsening of hunger”
Annie MonardLocust control expert
"Currently, about half the country is infested by hoppers and flying swarms - each swarm made up of billions of plant-devouring insects," the FAO said in a statement.
Yesterday the headlines about locusts were in Israel;
Locusts have Descended on Israel this week, just in time forPassover. As millions of Jews commemorate the story of thechildren of Israel’s exodus from Egypt, including the 10 plagues that afflicted Pharaoh and his people, millions of the crunchy buggers are creeping all over Israel’s southern deserts.
This is nothing like the eighth plague of biblical times, in whichlocusts covered “the whole face of the earth” in a kind of collective punishment for the Egyptians whose leader refused to let his Hebrew slaves go free.
I believe they were in Egypt a few weeks ago.  Famine usually results when locusts eat all the food.

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