
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

North Korea Tells Military to "Prepare for War"

Uh-oh....Porky from the North is rattling his sabre...again...

I'm sure you have all heard by now that Porky cancelled the "Cease Fire" agreement that has been in place since 1953?

Hey....interesting question....what if he isn't bluffing??

North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, has urged frontline troops to be on "maximum alert" for a potential war, state media reported, in its latest rhetorical volley following new UN sanctions. Analysts believe the sabre-rattling is aimed at shoring up domestic support as much as reaching the international community, possibly in part because Kim is a young and relatively new leader.

He told troops stationed near disputed waters where previous clashes with the South have occurred that "war can break out right now", state media reported. The North has also said it has cancelled the 1953 armistice that ended the Korean war and threatened the US with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

"Even by North Korean standards they are acting a bit extremely and recklessly, but I think they are barking rather than being about to bite," said Han Seung-joo, a former South Korean foreign minister.
Andrei Lankov, of Kookmin University in Seoul, added: "It's how their diplomacy is done. A Japanese foreign minister would express 'deep concern at moves within the UN security council'. In North Korea you get a deputy minister yelling: 'We are going to destroy the world', but it's still the same message."

But he said that while the North did not want war, it might still take some form of military action if Seoul did not increase aid.

"If the South don't pay they are going to get punished – it's a bit like a shopkeeper who doesn't pay a local tough. His window is going to be broken," Lankov said.


Porky says, "Give me some money or I gonna nuke you!!"

"Now Porky, you can't simply run around saying you are going to destroy the world!  That's no way to be a good citizen of the world!, says The West.

"You shut your mouf!" says Porky, "We gonna destwoy the world...unless you send my bwack friend, Dennis Rodman, bwack here to shoot hoops wif me!"

Obama, speaking into Hot line...."Get me Rodman on the phone...NOW!"

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