
Monday, March 18, 2013

The Coming American Civil War

A reader sent me this 9 minute video clip made by a woman who calls herself "Patriot Nurse".  In the video she clearly explains why the coming civil war in America will be so devastating.

She says she KNOWS the civil war is coming...she just doesn't know when....and she also believes that it will start around the time our currency/money system starts to fail.

That could be any day now.

Video here;

After you watch the video, make sure you read the comments.

Those of us who are followers of Christ HOPE AND PRAY that He will come for us before America collapses and breaks into civil war...but of course we don't know that.  What we do know is that He will come in His perfect timing.

So keep sober, stay awake and always make sure you have oil in your lamps.

One thing I think we can ALL AGREE ON is that something big is cooking.

Hat tip to Mike P.

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