
Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Vatican and UFO's

Many of you have told me that you "aren't really buying" the whole alien, UFO connection that we have drawn. 

We, and many other prophecy watchers, believe the "aliens and UFO's are actually fallen angels that have been making themselves more visible in these Last Days because they are going to play a huge part in a massive deception that Satan is cooking.

If this is true, Satan has been wildly successful in these past 50 years.  Belief in "aliens" and the space ships they are driving (UFO's) have skyrocketed all over the earth. 

Author and prophecy watcher, Thomas Horn, has been in the news a lot these past few months because he wrote a book about the Prophecy of the Popes.  Now check out what else Mr. Horn is saying about the Vatican, aliens and UFO's.....

Following hard on the heels of their powerful best seller, Petrus Romanus, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam present for the reader’s quest to know what on earth—and in the heavenlies—is going on a book involving ominous and apocalyptic possibilities–even probabilities.

By delving into the most secretive and influential organization of any sort—the Jesuits of Catholicism—the authors illuminate cabalistic intrigues designed to, perhaps, bring in the world system of control long ago disrupted. The Jesuit order of the Catholic system, so little understood by most, have constructed, it seems, their very own tower as did the Babel builders of the post-antediluvian world.

Horn and Putnam carefully explore how the inner sanctum of the Vatican projects to the outermost reaches of the cosmos in an attempt to form an alliance not unlike Nimrod pursued millennia ago. From the first flying, triangle-shaped, unidentified flying objects reported by a highly respected military flyer in 1947 to reports of a massive, slowly moving UFO seen by thousands, including the governor of the state in which it was sighted, increase of UFO activity is progressing geometrically. The Vatican-alien connection appears, according to the authors’ research, to be a common thread running throughout the phenomena involved.

More troubling in their findings is the accumulating evidence that, like in the times before the Flood of Noah’s day, sinister forces beyond the human realm are again insinuating themselves into the bloodline of mankind. Like was reported in Genesis chapter 6, these beings are in process, the authors believe the evidence indicates, of mingling their seed with the seed of man.

One statement from a Catholic father offered: “[The extraterrestrials’] version of salvation might be based on a savior other than Jesus…even a messianic member of their own race. These beings, closer to God than man (perhaps even unfallen), would possess superior theology that could ‘expand markedly’ our terrestrial understanding of redemption and knowledge of God.”

The part the Vatican is playing in this grand scheme to control what some would-be masters perceive will be a universal utopia, under the benevolent auspices of fellow beings from far-flung places in the cosmos, is examined in depth in this volume. For me, Exo Vaticana goes a long way toward providing insights into these strange times in which we find ourselves.
For my readers who find this possibility all simply too fantastic to believe...I would recommend that you re-read Genesis 3 and Genesis 6 and try to answer the questions of "who exactly is the "seed of Satan" mentioned in the curse God puts on the serpent?  And secondly, "who exactly were these fallen angels that were abducting women, having sex with them and producing hybrid beings called the Nephilim" in Genesis 6?
And finally I would suggest you pick up the Book of Enoch.  Enoch walked with God and then God took he never died.  As you read this book, you will quickly discover that he names the fallen angels who came up with the plan to corrupt the human gene-pool by mingling their "seed" with the "seed of the woman"....and many believe that was the reason for the flood of Noah.
Jesus reminds us that in the Last Days before His return it will be, "as it was in the days of Noah."
Pretty darn interesting is what it all is...that's for sure!


  1. On this Easter Sunday, the most special day of the year as we celebrate Christ’s resurrection, I feel compelled to answer your questions (which will have to be in 2 parts due to size limitations on your blog).

    Q1: Who exactly is the "seed of Satan" mentioned in the curse God puts on the serpent?

    A1: Genesis 3:15 is known as the protoevangelium, which is the first annunciation of the Gospel. The Gospel is the Good News of the person and work of Jesus Christ who came into this world to save all those whom the Father gives to him (John 6). His work on the Cross and resurrection on the third day represents the culmination of God’s redemptive plan of salvation on earth for fallen man. Because of the Cross, Christ has defeated Satan and death. There is no more sting of death for those who are in Christ Jesus. The Bible is replete with this teaching, and this is why Easter Sunday is so important.

    The prophecy in Genesis 3:15 is a prophecy of the inveterate warfare between the children of the devil and the children of God. The “seed” of the serpent are evil men, the children of the devil (e.g. John 8:38-44; 6:70; Matt. 13:38; Acts 13:10; 1 John 3:8-10, 12). The seed of the woman are those who are in opposition to the seed of the serpent, hence the children of God. And more specifically, the offspring of the woman refers to Jesus Christ. In Galatians (a book which dispensationalists plainly ignore) it says “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He said not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to your seed, which is Christ.” (Galatians 3:16).

    The seed of the serpent (e.g. Judas, the Pharisees, the Romans) struck at the heel of the Savior as they all conspired to condemn Jesus to be crucified. And thus, the “enmity” or hostility and hatred spoken of in Genesis 3:15 is between Satan and Christ.

    Again, the ultimate victory was Christ’s on the Cross and in His resurrection. He crushed the head of Satan, removing forever his rule over man. The power of Christ would destroy Satan and all his principalities and powers, confound all his schemes, and ruin all his works. The power of the Cross would crush Satan’s whole empire, strip him of his authority (particularly his power over death), and his tyranny over the bodies and souls of men. The protoevangelium shows us that God always had the plan of salvation in mind, and informed us of His plan as soon as sin entered the world.

  2. Part 2
    Q2: Who exactly were these fallen angels that were abducting women, having sex with them and producing hybrid beings called the Nephilim?

    A2: First, angels, whether fallen or not, are spirit beings and do not have human bodies. Because angels are spirit beings, they are not equipped to consummate a marriage and to sire offspring. Demons can do all sorts of Satanic, shocking, and frightening things, however, producing offspring is not one of them. They can’t bring forth “giants” because they simply can’t bring forth. Period.

    Second, the Scripture itself says the Nephilim were MEN. Genesis 6:4 says “…These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” It is surprising to me that one place where the ultra-literalist “Biblicists” should get it right is unfortunately one place where they spiritualize away the clear meaning of Scripture. When the Bible says Nephilim were men, it means men, not HYBRID being. You are wrongly laying into Scripture something that is simply not there, which is called eisigesis.

    Third, a better understanding of this text is to consider the context. In previous chapters we are given a glimpse of two competing lines, the godly line of Seth and the wicked line of Cain. Having established the antithesis in the garden, after affirming that there would be a constant struggle between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent we are given snapshot pictures of each of these armies. We see Seth’s line about the business of exercising dominion, in submission to the Lord. We see Cain’s line dishonoring the law of God and making names for themselves. But the future is not mere co-existence between the two lines. The drama builds toward the great crisis of Noah’s flood right here in chapter 6. The great change, what creates the great downward spiral of humanity on the earth is that the two lines come together as one. That is, the godly line of Seth, the sons of God, seeing how attractive are the daughters of men, the wicked line of Cain, decide to take them as wives. The end result, however, isn’t mere dilution. It’s not that the now joined line becomes morally lukewarm, but that evil spreads, grows, and deepens. Basically, what we see is what happens when we are unequally yoked.

    Fourth, realize the grave ramifications for Christianity if in fact fallen angels/demons could mascaraed as humans. If that is true, then Jesus Christ himself could in fact have been a fallen angel masquerading as a person on resurrection Sunday and beyond. This approach is some sort of unbiblical Greek mythology (or worse), and it does not represent a Christian worldview. This distorted interpretation does great harm to Christianity.

    Fifth, words are not univocal, they are equivocal. Thus, their meanings are determined in large part by the context in which they are used. The point of Genesis 6 is to show the extent of the depravity of man and what happens when the godly inter-mix with the ungodly.

    The key verse in Genesis 6 is verse 5, and it should be the guiding light in understanding this chapter. It says, “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

    Lastly, I find it ironic that a very simple observation is ignored in your post, regarding the “days of Noah”. The people who were “taken” were the ungodly people, while the ones who were "left behind" were the godly people. Exactly the opposite view of the pre-tribulation rapture proponents.

    In summary, I sincerely hope that you understand the depth of your questions, and how they severely undermine the person and work of Jesus Christ. On this blessed day of Easter Sunday, Christians look to the finished work Christ on the Cross and his resurrection. He has defeated Satan, and those who believe in Jesus have already crossed over from death to life (John 5:24). Praise God.

  3. Yes! Praise God that Christ has concluded his work and will soon be coming back for his bride...and then throw satan into the abyss for 1000 years when he sets up his Kingdom on earth!

    Of course we all need to decide what these passages about Nephilim mean...and of course there are widely differing opinions.

    At this point in time, my reading and research has led me to the possibility that Satan is cooking something huge...and using demons to masquarade as "aliens".

    I hope I'm wrong...but I have an idea that there is MUCH more to this demonic deception than simply saying the passage has to do with the lines of Seth vs. the line of Cain. I have heard that discussion and it just doesn't ring true to me.

    The thousands of cattle mutilations that have taken place over the past decades and the millions of credible witnesses to strange UFO's and even "aliens" has led be to something far more supernatural (and sinister) than what you have laid out in your comments.

    Satan has MUCH POWER here on earth as evidenced by the incredible outbreak of wickedness that we are experiencing.

    1 John 5:19 clearly states, "We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one."

    Yep! He is the Prince of the Earth and also called the Prince of the Powers of the Air. Christ certainly won the war against Satan at the cross...but Satan is currently practicing his 'scorched earth' policy and trying to decieve all he can with the time he has left. And clearly is really getting ready to roar during The Tribulation.

    So while I can fully appreciate your also must understand that many learned men have come to far different conclusions on what Satan is up to as the end of the Age of Grace comes to a close.

    2 Peter 2:4, "For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to Tartarus (pits under the earth?) to be held for judgment..."

    Now read the book of Enoch that Peter was VERY FAMILIAR with...and you can see how some folks have drawn an idea of WHAT these angels were doing before the flood.

    Finally, while I agree with you that angels can't procreate and bring forth....the human women were the ones who gave birth...not the fallen angels. The fallen angels were the ones who were corrupting (perverting) God's plan to bring forth a PURE HUMAN of Jesus Christ to crush Satan.

    Have you ever read any of Chuck Missler at ?

    Thanks for you comments!

