
Monday, April 8, 2013

Another Senator Falls Regarding Gay Marriage

Believe it or not, there were four Democratic Senators who opposed gay there are only three.

Sen. Tim Johnson (S.D.) leaves the Final Four. There are now only three Senate Democrats who oppose gay marriage—Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), and Mary Landrieu (La.).

“After lengthy consideration, my views have evolved sufficiently to support marriage equality legislation,” said Johnson. “This position doesn’t require any religious denomination to alter any of its tenets; it simply forbids government from discrimination regarding who can marry whom.”

Two weeks ago, Johnson announced that he was not going to seek a fourth term, and retire in 2014. In the weeks since, many of Johnson’s colleagues have flipped on the gay marriage issue, including: Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.), Joe Donnelly (Ind.), Bob Casey (Pa.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), Jon Tester (Mont.), and Mark Warner (Va.). Claire McCaskill (Mo.) switched her stance a day before Johnson’s retirement announcement.

Johnson’s retirement gives him some room to maneuver in his socially conservative state. In 2006, South Dakota banned same-sex civil unions and domestic partnerships with a constitutional amendment backed by 52% of voters. South Dakota defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman back in 1939.

There are now 54 sitting Senators who endorse same-sex marriage.

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Hey...what can you say...his views have "evolved".

How long will it be until our Senator's views "evolve" on polygamy or bi-sexual marriage?

Also, when will they 'evolve' on children getting married?  As we all know the age of "first menstruation" has gotten younger every decade.  Someone soon will float the idea that if "a girl can menstruate...the she ought to be able to procreate!"

The pedophiles will all scream, "Yes!  A 10 year old girl with breasts and a functioning uterus is fully woman!  She loves me and I love her, so who are you to stand in the way of love?"

And soon all the voters will "evolve" on their views of lowering the legal marriage age.

"We don't need some ancient book like the Bible telling us how we should live!!  We are modern, free-thinking humans!!  We can decide on our own what's best for us!!"

Holy slippery slope!  Friends, we aren't just getting ready to step on the slope...we are already on it and sliding down fast!  I just wonder how far the drop off is into the abyss?

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