
Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Bombers...Muslim Extremists...or Just Extremists?

I have been watching the news about the two brothers who have roots to Chechnya.  Does it seem to you like the media is stumbling all over itself to NOT SAY the phrase, "Muslim extremists" when reporting about these bombers?

If it is established that the bombs in Boston were planted by Chechens, it would mark an unprecedented development: the first time militants from the former Soviet republic have carried out a deadly attack outside Russia.

In their long, violent struggle against the Kremlin, Chechen radicals have hit soft targets before. In 2010, two female suicide bombers from Dagestan blew up the Moscow metro, killing at least 40 people and injuring 100. A year later, another suicide bomber struck Moscow's Domodedovo airport; he killed 37 and wounded 180. There have been murderous attacks including one on a school in Beslan in 2004, where 334 hostages died, most of them children.

But the bombing of the Boston Marathon, which police suspect was perpetrated by two Chechen brothers, Dzokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, are something altogether new. It is so far unclear how significant is the trail that appears to lead from the mountains of the North Caucasus – the scene of a simmering ongoing insurgency – to the boulevards and suburban houses of North America.


Extremists of what?...Islam. 

What is Chechnya fighting about?...Muslims are trying to take over the country and make an Islamic state in the Caucus region.

Of course the media IS happy to use the word "extremist"...but NOT the phrase "Muslim-extremist".  It simply doesn't fit their world view any longer...because they love to ignore facts and stick to the PC idea that, "Islam is a religion of peace."

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