
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Global Currency Coming at Warp Speed

Well this is interesting.....

In China’s remarkable rise on the global economic stage, one key element of the country’s economy has trailed far behind. The renminbi (RMB) or yuan remains an exotic instrument, rarely used outside the Chinese borders and barely understood.

The world’s second-largest economy has a currency that ranks 14th most used in the world, just ahead of the Danish krone, behind the Russian rouble and miles away from the euro and US dollar, No. 1 and No. 2, respectively.

But that is quickly changing. The internationalization of the RMB, as engineered by the Chinese government, is happening at warp speed. At the start of 2012, the RMB ranked 20th among international currencies, according to SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). It leaped six spots in nine months.

Still, the delivery of the RMB to the world is being carefully driven by China, and is following a clear roadmap. Starting with pilot projects, China’s gradual loosening of controls on the RMB has allowed foreign businesses and investors to get used to the currency, while protecting China’s rapidly growing economy from speculative money flows and other financial risks. Reaching double-digit GDP growth rates over the past decade, the country’s recent slowing to a range of 7%-8% is considered a more stable rate by the Chinese government, which is forecasting that to be the norm for the next decade or two.

Most of the currency reforms to date have been in the area of trade settlement, to establish the RMB as a global trade currency. In July 2009, an RMB trade settlement pilot was launched in five mainland cities, restricted to trade with Hong Kong, Macau and ASEAN. A year later, the pilot area was expanded in China and to all countries worldwide. This past June, all final restrictions were lifted, allowing any Chinese and foreign enterprise to buy or sell goods and services across the border in RMB-denominated funds.

Next up is for China to establish the RMB as a global investment currency, a process that has already begun, but will proceed cautiously.


Of course the REASON this is interesting is two-fold.  First off as U.S. citizens it WILL IMPACT us to eventually lose our monopoly on RESERVE CURRENCY.  Just imagine if we have to pay our bills using a currency that we can't just print out of thin air?  Imagine if the U.S. Gov't had to go to China to get RMB with which to pay their bills.  Talk about being forced to LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS!!!

Secondly, remember that the Bible talks of a day when most of the known world will be using a money system that the Antichrist will be able to take control of.  If you want to use that system at all to either buy or sell ANYTHING, you will first need to take the Mark of the Beast.  The big problem is that anyone who takes that mark will have their names forever stricken from the Lambs Book of Life.

So enjoy the interesting article....but THANK JESUS CHRIST that all followers of Christ currently on planet earth will be taken out of here BEFORE that awful day comes.

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