
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"God Help Us"

I just saw an email from a person (I will call her a liberal) I have debated on some various topics like gun laws, gay marriage, social programs and public education.

This woman has made it very clear that the Bible and/or God/Jesus have no place in any of these debates.

Her email was talking about the Boston Explosion and how her "thoughts and prayers" go out to all those involved in this "senseless act."  She then ended her comments with "God help us."


Are you like me?  Have you become a TV screamer?  Do you find yourself yelling at the TV when Brian Williams on NBC says, "Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those involved in this horrific event."?  Do you say out loud to the TV, "What are your thoughts Brian?  Are you sending them telepathically to all those people?  Will simply thinking about people make them better? Who are you praying to Brian?  Buddha, Baal, Allah, The Wheel in the Sky, ( for all my fellow Journey fans : ) ) Ashteroth, the Mayan Feathered Serpent god?  Which one Brian?  Or do you prefer to cast out some prayers to them hopes that one might hear you?"

Some of my thoughts as I watch this tragedy unfold are;  is this just the beginning of horrific events?  What if similar events start happening once per week...or once every few days?  These types of explosions have happened in Israel for most of it's existence...and yet The West still demands that Israel give up land to make peace with the people who seek her destruction. 

Will we make the same demands of ourselves and IGNORE the folks who perpetrated this Boston Explosion?  Will we demand of ourselves that we call them to the negotiating table and find out what we can give them so they will quit bombing marathons?  Do they want land?  Do they want us out of Iraq?  Afghanistan?  Do they want us to silence the bloggers who criticise Islam?  What??

Is it possible that God is going to allow us to taste what Israel has been tasting?

Is it possible that CURSES and JUDGMENT from God could commence (or maybe have started?)because of our ignorance and insolence regarding Israel?

Is it possible that America has entered a drought of EPIC proportions...not a drought of water, but of the KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD?

Here is what I do know....I am falling out of love with this world and getting more and more excited to see what Jesus has prepared for us.

1 Corinthians 2:9
But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him”—

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