
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Growing Evidence that Syria is Using Chemical Weapons

President Obama clearly said that if Syria used chemical weapons that they would cross a "red line". 

Of course when your dad said that to you as a little kid, you knew EXACTLY what it meant...but when Obama says it, no one seems to be sure what he really means? 

Does it mean he is going to write them a nasty letter?  Or does it mean he is going to unleash the entire U.S. Military on Syria and pound Assad's government to a pulp?

No one knows.

There is "limited but growing" evidence that Syrian government troops have used chemical weapons, UK Prime Minister David Cameron says.

"It is extremely serious, this is a war crime," Mr Cameron told the BBC.

On Thursday, the White House said that US intelligence agencies believed "with varying degrees of confidence" that Syria had used the nerve agent sarin on a "small scale".

Syrian officials have denounced the allegations as "lies".

Opposition activists and state media meanwhile report fierce fighting between government troops and rebels in a number of suburbs of the capital, Damascus.

Mr Cameron said he agreed with the White House's warning that chemical weapons use would be a "red line" for possible intervention.

However, the US has said that this latest intelligence does not represent proof of chemical weapons use.

The White House's assessment was made in letters to lawmakers on Thursday signed by Miguel Rodriguez, White House director of the office of legislative affairs.

"Our intelligence community does assess, with varying degrees of confidence, that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically, the chemical agent sarin," one of the letters said.


So for now, Team Obama has decided to take the route of, "we aren't really sure they crossed the red line."

That's fine.  I'm in no hurry to send more treasure and blood into a Syrian civil war.  That seems to be a lose-lose situation.  No matter who wins over there they will all still hate us regardless of what we do.

Is it tragic that there are tons of people caught in the cross fire who have lost homes, businesses, limbs and life?


Are the people in the countries who embrace Islam (like Syria) destined for misery, hatred, corruption, killing and death?


Did America have it's own civil war 150 years ago where we lost hundreds of thousands of men before we were done fighting?


Can America afford to be the world police anymore?


Will Obama continue to send out mixed messages of what his "red line" actually is?


And the forces for evil around the world are watching.....

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