
Monday, April 1, 2013

Islamic Flag Over White House

Remember what the media repeatedly tells us....ISLAM IS PEACE....and please ignore all evidence hitting us in the face everyday from just about all the Muslim nations.  Also please ignore the problems Muslims are causing in non-Muslim nations throughout Europe as they become more emboldened in their Islamic demands while living in non-Islamic societies.

Can it happen in America? 

A video of a Friday sermon before hundreds in Egypt capture this promise from a leading cleric: It’s only a matter of time before the flag of Islam flies above the White House.

The video, reported by The Arab World, quoted the cleric as saying this: “I swear to Allah almighty Sharia will be implemented, I tell you, not only in Egypt. Sharia will be implemented in and govern the entire world.”

The unnamed cleric went on: “This is the word of Allah and his messenger [Muhammad]. … I swear by Allah almighty, I swear, I swear the Islamic flag will be raised above the White House.”

The cleric said to be patient and for followers of Islam to keep working toward that goal, The Arab World reported.

“I swear by Allah almighty — I swear by Allah almighty this will happen,” the cleric said in the video.


Doesn't it kind of just make you warm and fuzzy all over to realize that we just sent Egypt $$millions and also approved giving them some more fighter jets and bombs?

Oh yes...and please remember what the media and even some "Christian" leaders have been telling us all along...."Allah is simply the Arabic word for 'God' really they are worshiping the same Creator that you are."

Friends...that is an outright load of crap.  Don't believe it for a second.  Allah is simply another Satanic manifestation that leads people away from the Truth of Jesus...and leads them into the claws of the Father of Lies.

We need to save these people from the fire by showing them love, building a relationship and then being ready to offer the words of Christ.  We need to continue to support the Christian cable programs that are beaming the Gospel into Muslim lands and converting Muslims by the thousands EVERY DAY!!

If we fall for the lie that Islam is simply another DENOMINATION...we will NEVER try and evangelize them....and they will die and head to an eternity WITHOUT CHRIST.

Matthew 28
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

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