
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Ayatollah Has a Point

The Grand Pubah of Iran, (aka The Ayatollah) has come out and said that Iran condemns the attacks in Boston.

However, he also claims that the USA has a double standard.  Why can we blow up people with drones in Pakistan while many times killing and maiming innocent citizens...but then get all mad when someone blows up our innocent citizens in Boston?

Good question.

Iran's top leader on Wednesday condemned the twin bombing attacks in Boston, yet chided the U.S. for employing a double standard when it comes to drone attacks that kill innocent civilians.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran, which follows the logic of Islam, is opposed to any bombings and killings of innocent people no matter if it is in Boston, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or Syria and condemns it," Ayatollah Ali Khamenei told Iranian military leaders he was addressing in Tehran.

Khamenei criticized the U.S. for killing people with drones in Pakistan and Afghanistan and backing forces that kill others in Iraq and Syria.

"What kind of logic is this that if children and women are killed by Americans in Afghanistan and Pakistan and by U.S.-backed terrorists in Iraq and Syria is not a problem, but if a bombing happens in the U.S. or another Western country, the whole world should pay the cost?" he asked in his comments, which were posted on his website.

Khamenei charged that such double standards would lead to the demise of Western civilization.

"Western civilization is on the verge of collapse and downfall because of contradictions, lack of logic, coercions and lack of care for human principles," he said.


Of course one answer to this is that our drones are TARGETING known militia fighters who are hiding amongst civilians.  We try to AVOID civilian casualties, but also realize that when bombs and bullets are flying, sooner or later someone is going to get killed that you didn't intend.  It's called war.

The Boston Bomber wasn't targeting any military fighters or government officials...he was TARGETING civilians.

That is the difference.

Also gotta love the fact that the dude accused US of lacking care for human principles....says the Mullah who hangs gay people and drug addicts in the street and would prefer that women walk around with their faces covered....or face getting beaten.

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