
Monday, April 22, 2013

Western World Better Wake Up

Most of us with a biblical worldview weren't surprised that the Boston Bombers were Muslims.  We know there is a jihad going on and we also know that there are millions and millions of Muslims who believe that the world needs to be conquered for Allah...who is a Satanic entity.

So how come everyone else is so sound asleep?  What will it take for the media and the liberals to say, "Holy crap!  We have to do something about Islam!  It is a cancer that seems to be spreading and needs to be stopped!"

Don't hold your breath that it will EVER happen!

Even if Muslm men started bombing malls, parades and marathons once per week...the liberals would still say, "It's only a few radicals that are giving Islam a bad name!  Remember, you Christians did the crusades 800 years ago..."

But read this closely......

To the rest of the world...we are starting to lose our minds!  Three people killed in Boston and we shut down an entire city and employed 8000 officers in a man hunt...FOR TWO MUSLIMS!!

Jews sitting in the Land of Israel today are nodding, perhaps scratching their heads, and saying to themselves, perhaps to their family members, maybe even to their friends: Three people were killed in Boston, and the Americans have lost their minds. They have turned the university city, with its millions of residents, into a large prison, turned routine life into complete chaos. And all because of three casualties.

And we, who have already seen 35-40 people die in one terror attack, sometimes day after day, and dozens and hundreds of people injured, what shall we say?

One again we nod and conclude: The Americans have lost their minds, even if they did eventually succeed in their pursuit. The two terrorists were caught, one died and the other is on his way to hell. Fine, so what does it have to do with us? Boston is thousands of miles away, and terrorism there is an "internal affair." So what do we have to do with it?

The entire world, and certainly the great America, must take the next world war with the utmost seriousness: The Islamic, radical, fanatical half of the world against the Western, free half of the world which simply seeks a comfortable life. It is a war between hundreds of millions of Muslims, who conquer countries, especially in Europe, and try to impose their way of life and hallucinatory beliefs on millions of other people. These are Muslims who have the spirit of al-Qaeda, not necessarily the organizational setting, breathing down their necks in the face of and against hundreds of millions of people, including in Israel, who pursue and strive for peace and quiet.


We put the city of Boston on martial law, shut down all businesses, and spent $billions to catch a few Muslim bombers!!

Have we all lost our minds??  Since when did sustaining human LIFE become our god?  Since when did the SAFETY of every citizen trump the FREEDOM of every citizen?

Probably when the citizens started demanding the FREEDOM to do anything they want but demanded that the GOVERNMENT care for them when the freedom of their choices ended in hardship or bad consequences.

Also watch and see how EVERY CITY in the nation will start putting up more and more cameras to monitor EVERYTHING on the streets and sidewalks.  We have all now seen with our own eyes how successful these cameras were in Boston in identifying the Boston Muslim Bombers.

"Put up cameras EVERYWHERE!!", will scream the citizens of USA, "We will trade our freedom if it makes us FEEL SAFER!!"'s only going to keep getting wierder.  It appears we may have gone past the point of no return.  Things in America ARE NOT COMING BACK to 'normal'....whatever that word means to you.

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