
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Boy Scouts to Admit Openly Gay Boys

So let me get this straight....if I am a teenage boy who has homosexual lusts and may even be engaging in homosexual activity...can I join other boys for camping trips, tenting, showering, swimming...and maybe even trying to coerce other boys in the tent to engage in gay activity?

Yep!  As of today that will be totally acceptable!!

GRAPEVINE, Tex. — The Boy Scouts of America on Thursday ended its longstanding policy of forbidding openly gay youths to participate in its activities, a step its chief executive called “compassionate, caring and kind.”

The decision, which came after years of resistance and wrenching internal debate, was widely seen as a milestone for the Boy Scouts, a symbol of traditional America. More than 1,400 volunteer leaders from across the country voted, with more than 60 percent approving a measure that said no youth may be denied membership “on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone.”

The top national leaders of the Boy Scouts, who pledge fealty to God and country, had urged the change in the face of vehement opposition from conservative parents and volunteers, some of whom said they would quit the organization. But the vote put the Scouts more in line with the swift rise in public acceptance of homosexuality, especially among younger parents who are essential to the future of an institution that has been losing members for decades.

The Scouts did not consider the even more divisive question of whether to allow openly gay adults and leaders. This drew criticism from advocates for gay rights, who called the decision a breakthrough but vowed to continue pressing the Scouts to allow gay members of all ages.

Here; fairness...if I am a heterosexual teenage boy who is very interested in girls and maybe even engaging in hetero sex....shouldn't I be able to join the Girl Scouts and join them in the tent, swimming, showering, and everthing else...and maybe even coerce them to engage in some good old fashioned boy on girl sex?

It's the same thing....but of course if anyone suggests that, we would be called "ridiculous homophobes".

Boy Scouts of America....RIP.

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