
Monday, May 27, 2013

Enough Sarin Gas to Wipe Out Damascus

These are interesting comments coming from a former Syrian chemical weapons dude...

The regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad has enough of the nerve gas sarin to "eradicate the whole of Damascus, Homs, Hama and Aleppo," a former Syrian chemical weapons scientist told Al Jazeera on Friday.

"If the regime is to fire a Scud-B with a chemical warhead filled with sarin, the missile would create a chemical cloud in the atmosphere that is 3km long and 500m wide, which could be fatal to all people under it," the scientist, that asked to remain anonymous, said.

The scientist told Al Jazeera that Syria's chemical weapons stockpile includes 700 tons of sarin gas as well as an unspecified quantity of mustard gas, at least 3,000 aerial bombs that could be fitted with chemical warheads and more than 100 chemical warheads for Scud missiles. He dispelled assessments by Western intelligence that Syria has tabun nerve gas.

Despite that, the scientist that fled Syria claimed that the Assad regime will only unleash its chemical stockpiles if it "no longer cares about the world knowing."

He told Al Jazeera that the Assad regime used sarin gas in small quantities to stop rebel advances in four towns in the suburbs of Damascus, in Aleppo's Sheikj Maksoud district, in Idlib's Saraqeb town and in Homs' al-Khalidiyeh district.

"The intention was to incapacitate rebels and force them out of strategic areas, while keeping the deaths among their ranks limited," he said.


Isaiah 17 says Damascus will be wiped out in a VERY SHORT period of overnight.

Of course we will never know the exact details of HOW this will happen.  In fact I am VERY hopeful that we will be raptured before it does happen, but it simply amazing how many times Damascus, and the talk of her destruction, is making its way into today's headlines.

I look at it as being one more sign that we are in the SEASON of our Lord's return.

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