
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Gender is New Problem for Our Public Schools

So is it a boy or a girl?  Or is it a girl who feels like a boy trapped in a girl's body?  Or is it a bi-gender child who one day feels more comfortable in the girl's bathroom but the next day feels more comfortable in the boy's bathroom?

Or what do we do with a child whose parents REFUSE to tell the district what gender their child is....because they are going to let the child decide when he gets older?  They call him Chris...and no one really knows what restroom he should go into?

Certainly this is going to be a new problem for all of our districts that are increasingly preaching "tolerance for all" but now have to make policy when "the all" emerge from the closet in all their gender-bending scenarios.

CHICAGO (AP) — From the time they are born, we put our boys in blue beanies and our girls in pink ones. It's a societal norm, an expectation even, that you just are what you are born — a boy or a girl.

From early on, we divide toys and activities by very distinct gender lines, with superheroes and trucks and muck on one side and princesses and dolls and all things frilly on the other.

Many children land, enthusiastically, on the expected side. Others dabble in both "girl" and "boy" things. But what if your kid, even from an early age, mostly showed interest in doing opposite-gender things? More importantly, what if they wanted to BE the opposite gender — or a less-defined mix of both? And what if they wanted to test those limits in public places, like school?

Would you let them?

It's not, of course, that pat of a process. Parents don't just decide to let their kids switch genders. But, whether parents are dragged through the process, or if they decide to work it through more openly, more kids are challenging the boundaries of traditional gender, and going public at younger ages.
And they are doing so with the guidance of a growing faction of medical experts who no longer see this as something to be fixed. Last year, the American Psychiatric Association removed "gender identity disorder" from its list of mental health ailments.

Some experts predict that views on gender will evolve in much the same way they have for sexual orientation, since homosexuality was removed as a mental illness nearly four decades ago. Today, the gender spectrum includes those who are transgender, who see themselves as the opposite gender, and those who are gender variant, or gender nonconforming, whose gender is more "fluid." For kids, it means they identify part of themselves as boy and part as girl.


The Bible tells us that in the beginning God made them...male and female.  He made man and then he made woman as a helper for the man.

If this trend continues, one day our society will name all of our kids Chris or Pat....and will let them have their own GENDER ANNOUNCEMENT DAY....which will come around age 13 when they will announce to the world what sex they actually are!

As this society continues to lose its foundation of Jesus Christ....we can expect to further slip away in the miry clay.  And after a while up is down, down is up, left is right and right is left, and evil is good and good is evil.

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