
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Riots in Sweden

There was a tiny blurb in the Wall Street Journal yesterday about rioting "youths" in Sweden.  It didn't say what kind of I went to another article to find out more.

Hundreds youths hurling rocks, burning cars and smashing windows for the second day in a row in Stockholm say they are protesting against police brutality and inequality. In Sweden, critics of the multiculturalism policies lash out at immigration laws.

Seven policemen were injured, at least ten cars and countless containers set on fire, and dozens of windows smashed in several heavily immigrant-populated neighborhoods of the Swedish capital on Tuesday.

The police said some 300 people are now taking part in riots, which started in protest against the shooting of a man allegedly armed with a knife in the Stockholm district of Husby. The protesters also cited beatings and ‘discriminative’ derogatory remarks of the officers.

The protester are mainly young, the police said. Of the seven rioters arrested on Tuesday only four were detained, two of them later released, and one turned out to be underage.
All of the men arrested on suspicion of violent rioting and assaulting a public official were aged between 15 and 19, the police said.

“We have groups of young men who think that that they can and should change society with violence. Let’s be clear: This is not okay. We cannot be ruled by violence,” Reinfeldt said as cited by the Local.


So I still can't find out EXACTLY who the youths are...but here is a hint....the #1 name for babies born in Malmo, Sweden last year was "Muhammad".

So I'm willing to bet you $1 plus a lunch at Applebees that the "youths" who are burning, assaulting and destroying things are actually MUSLIM YOUTHS.

Big parts of Europe have allowed Muslims to come into their countries to work their lower wage jobs...just like USA has allowed Latinos to come in to work our lower wage jobs.  What Europe is going to find out is that Muslims don't want to become Swedish or French....they want Sweden and France to become Muslim and ruled by Sharia law.

"Oh are an Islamaphobe!  The vast majority of Muslims are peace loving people who just want to have a nicer life that The West can offer!"

Oh yeah?....want to bet me a dollar plus a lunch at Applebees on that?

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