
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Syrian Rebels Post Video of Eating Enemy's Heart

Hey friends....did you think Bashar Assad was a bad dude while he ruled Syria with an iron fist?

Just wait until you see who the "rebels" are who are going to overthrow him and take over the country.

Rebels fighting against Syrian strongman Bashar Assad's forces have published a shock video showing one of them eating the heart of a dead rival.

Some in Israel saw the video as further proof that the U.S. is pursuing a wrongheaded Middle East policy. David Haivri of the Samaria Regional Council commented on the video, saying that "Syrian rebels are committing war crimes and proud to display this on the internet. If these animals win the war they will be glad to eat our hearts and abuse our women.

"The USA's lightheaded actions in the Middle East are a threat to Israel," he added.


So does it seem wise for America to send these "rebels" guns, bullets, food or ANY support what so ever?

Can you see Satan rising as the demons of war, violence and perversion are unleashed in Muslim lands?

Who will stand up to it? 

The church in America is sound asleep as they continue to work on their plans of CHRISLAM by uniting the "good parts" of  Islam with Christianity.

Our President may be at the very least a Muslim all we can expect from him is to keep saying "Islam is a great religion of peace."

Our U.S. Military is part of the United State's bankrupt not sure how many more foreign adventures we can afford to get into today...even if we wanted to.

So I guess we will need to leave it to teeny-tiny Israel to ward off the Satanic horde that is brewing in the Middle East.

Godspeed Israel!  Hope you can keep the cannibals off the rest of us!!

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