
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Clinton Speaks of Two State Solution for Israel

Did you know the Arabs already have a two state plan?  It's called JORDAN.

The Arabs were supposed to go there and have their own Arab State and the Jews were supposed to go on the other side of the Jordan River and set up a Jewish state.

The Arabs said, "No!  Jews won't have 1 square inch in this land!  We will kill them all!"...but meanwhile they still accepted the nation of Jordan and kicked out all the Jews anyway.

Of course this was after the Jews had legally purchased all this land starting in the late 1800's from Arabs who really wanted nothing to do with the barren chunk of treeless property.

But of course the Arabs have lied and cried for 65 years now and used Hitler's idea of repeating a lie long enough so that it ultimately becomes truth.

And now the whole world believes the Arabs need another state so that there can be peace in the Middle East.  Now Bill Clinton is telling Israel they need to give up some land to make another Arab-Muslim state.

JERUSALEM, June 18 (UPI) -- The only choice for Israel to remain a Jewish and democratic nation is to work toward a two-state solution, former U.S. President Bill Clinton said.

Clinton was in Israel to attend celebrations marking the 90th birthday of Israeli President Shimon Peres.

"You have to cobble together some kind of theory of a two-state solution, and the longer you let this go, just because of sheer demographics, the tougher it's going to get. I don't see any alternative to a Palestinian state," the former U.S. President said in a speech before the Peres Academic Center in Rehovot Monday night.

Read more:

Even in Israel we have politicians and political parties debating about whether they should agree to making another Arab state.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid on Wednesday rejected his coalition partner Naftali Bennett's commnets that the two-state solution is dead.

Speaking in an interview with Channel 2, Lapid said, "I think Bennett is wrong. Israel has to continue to pursue peace based on a two-state solution...we must try again and again and never give up."

Lapid said that the alternative to a two-state solution was a bi-national state which would spell the death of Israel.


How ridiculous to even attempt to pursue peace with a group who has sworn allegiance to your destruction.

How ridiculous to ignore God's clear word that it will not go well with the nations who attempt to divide HIS HOLY LAND.

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