
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Gold Sinks to 3 yr Low

What's up with this?  Will your gold and silver not save you on the day of the Lord's wrath??  Or is this just another normal up and down of a market that cooked another big stocks of the 1990's and real estate of the 2000's?

Gold has tumbled to its lowest level in nearly three years, putting it on track for its biggest quarterly fall since the collapse in 1971 of the Bretton Woods system of exchange rates, which pegged the value of the dollar to the precious metal

Bankers said there had been a rush among wealthy individuals and asset managers to dump their gold holdings since Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chairman, last week set out for the first time a framework for the US central bank to exit its stimulus programme known as quantitative easing.

“The word at the moment is capitulation,” said Tom Kendall, precious metals analyst at Credit Suisse, adding the past week’s selling had been driven by long-term investors.
“Those are the guys who you would have expected to hold on through thick and thin and they’re not,” he said.


What??  The investors who were expected to hold on to gold through thick and thin are even selling??  What's a guy supposed to do??  Buy U.S. Treasury's paying 1% over the next 10 years in hope that our government will just give us our money that will be worth far less than when we gave it to them?

That is EXACTLY what your government hopes will happen....then they can go on spending money they don't taking yours in the interim.

"Lay up your treasure in heaven where moth and rust will not destroy."  Plus it will compound interest FOREVER!!

Sounds like great advice, Jesus!!

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