
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Catholic Bishop Beheaded in Syria

The blood-lust by these Muslim extremists is getting intense.

The Catholic Church released this video of one of their bishops in Syria having his head sawed off with a steak knife.

Yep!  You can watch it all here!

I believe this should be required viewing by all folks over the age of 18.  We need to clearly see who the enemy is.

For those who won't watch is what you missed:

-hundreds of folks gathered to watch the 'fun'
-folks pulled out their cell phones to record the blood...maybe so they could masturbate to it later?
-even the kids seemed thrilled to watch his head come off
-the chanting of "ALLAH AKBAR" started by everyone as a guy in a hood hacked away
-once his head was off they set it on his dead body and posed for photos
-then they went to the other two guys tied up and hacked off their heads too

Can you even imagine that lots of folks who call themselves Christians don't believe that Satan really exists? 

Can you imagine there are millions of intelligent Christians who believe that Allah is the same God as Jesus Christ??

How sad!!  The Church should be sounding the alarm about Satan...instead many are figuring out a way we can join Islam with Christianity to make a new religion called CHRISLAM!

Lord forgive us...we know not what we do.


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