
Monday, July 29, 2013

Detroit...A Warning to the Rest of USA

We did a post on Detroit right after the bankruptcy news broke.  Is bankruptcy and collapse what we can expect to see coming for Chicago, Oakland, Atlanta, Columbus and a major city near you?

How many cities can go bankrupt before it hits YOU someplace between the eyes?  How many bankrupt cities can one nation have before the entire nation is declared bankrupt? 

Also, it begs the continuing question....HAS JUDGMENT ALREADY STARTED on this nation?

Detroit’s Bankruptcy: A Warning to the Rest of the Nation

When the city of Detroit filed for bankruptcy on July 18th, it became the largest such filing in American history. The Motor City has $18.5 billion in debts, which comes to $25,000 per resident. At the heart of Detroit’s problem is the benefits owed to current and future retirees─a number that will ultimately reach─into the tens of billions.  Just to show how dysfunctional the city has become, the bankruptcy proceedings was immediately gummed up by an activist liberal judge who ruled that the filing, violates the Michigan Constitution because it would have a negative impact on pension payments. Union lawyers are also trying to void the bankruptcy filing. Since you can’t squeeze blood out of a turnip, it doesn’t matter if the law says all cities need to pay their pension or bond obligations -- there is no money. To put it bluntly: The parasite has finally outgrown the host.

Few people realize how far Detroit has fallen. I could list dozens of key facts about the city’s decline. Here are a dozen of the most shocking:
In 1960, Detroit had the highest per capita income in the nation.
It was once our 4th largest city in America, it is now ranked 18th.
The murder rate in Detroit is 11 times higher than in New York City.
Police only solve 10 percent of the crimes that are committed in Detroit.
It takes the police an average of 58 minutes to respond to calls.
Only a third of its ambulances are in working order.
Over 40 percent of the streetlights are broken.
There are approximately 78,000 abandoned homes in the city.
Each year 1,100 buildings are torched because of arson.
There are 70 “Superfund” hazardous waste sites in Detroit.
In 1950, Detroit had 296,000 manufacturing jobs. Today, there are less than 27,000.
The police chief actually warned people to “Enter Detroit at your own risk.”

I don’t see much hope for a turnaround. Unless we reach a point where we realize our moral and financial deficits are directly related to each other, the cancer that has ravished Detroit will produce the same results in many other American cities.
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God” (Psalm 9:17).


Friends, the signs are everywhere that the "American Dream" is taking a turn and heading for a nightmare.  Who could stop it?  Only God.

Where is The Church in America to sound the alarm?  Nowhere to be found!!  In fact they are too busy ordaining gays, denying the exclusivity of the Gospel, joining ranks with pagan religions and attacking the inerrancy of scripture.

Holy apostasy!!!  The Church of America has forsaken the Gospel!! 

Prophecy said we should expect apostasy to reign in the Last Days...and HERE SHE IS!!!

Praise the Lord!!  He is the Alpha and the Omega!  He is the beginning of all things we know and will also be the end of all we know!

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