
Monday, July 1, 2013

Egypt's Army Gives Morsi 48 Hours

Breaking news happening in Egypt...the most populace Arab country...and most certainly a player in the Last Days drama as laid out by the Bible.

CAIRO — Egypt’s armed forces threatened on Monday to intervene in the country’s political crisis, warning President Mohamed Morsi and other politicians that they had 48 hours to respond to an outpouring of popular protests that have included demands for his resignation.

In a statement read on state television, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, the head of the Egyptian military, said the mass demonstrations that intensified over the weekend, including the storming of the Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Cairo early Monday, reflected an “unprecedented” expression of popular anger at Mr. Morsi and his Islamist backers in the brotherhood during his first year in power.

It was unclear from the general’s statement whether the military was specifically demanding that Mr. Morsi resign. But the statement said that if Mr. Morsi did not take steps to address demands for a more inclusive government, the armed forces would move to impose their “own road map for the future.”


Holy ultimatum!!  That sounds serious...either get your act together or WE WILL IMPOSE our own road map to the future!

We aren't sure if we can classify this as "good news" yet.  On the surface it sure seems to be a step in the right direction.

 Remember that Morsi is a Muslim Brotherhood dork, and the leaders of the military are certainly more secular minded

We will need to pay close attention to this.

As Ezekiel 29 says, "Then all who live in Egypt will know that I am the Lord."

Certainly that has never happened...but it will!


  1. Are you saying that Ezekiel 29 hasn't been fulfilled? I'm sure you're not, but I just wanted to clarify. I've read many commentaries on this chapter and even dispensational folks from Calvary Chapel say Ezekiel 29 has already been fulfilled. I'm just trying to follow along with all the various interpretations by pretribulationalists. It's difficult to keep them all straight sometimes.

  2. Hi John,
    no I'm not saying that. My main point is that Eygpt will be a player in the Last Days. Another place to ponder Egypt is Isaiah 19 which most would agree has NOT happened. It sounds like one day that the Egyptians will turn to Jesus/God...and that has obviously not happened.
