
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pride Comes Before the Fall...America

MN Congresswoman, Michelle Bachman, said it correctly last week when she scolded the Supreme Court for elevating themselves above God as they ruled in favor of gay marriage.

Of course she was ridiculed for her comments...even though they were TRUE.

Genesis 2:24 tells us right at the very beginning of the story, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."

God didn't say, "For this reason a man will love another man OR woman and become one flesh, either through natural relations or unnatural really doesn't matter."

A reader sent me this article by Star Parker, who is a black, conservative columnist.

Same-sex marriage is war on religion

The Book of Proverbs, part of biblical canon, once a vital part of American culture, tells us: "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

It's this haughty spirit, this pride that precedes destruction, that lies behind the Supreme Court's decision last week to bury the Defense of Marriage Act.

DOMA defined marriage, for purposes of federal law, as traditional marriage -- the union of man and woman.

This decision did not come out of nowhere. It did not happen in a vacuum. It is but the latest in a long process of the unraveling of American culture driven by pride -- the sense that we answer to no higher authority. That the two-legged animal man is master of the universe and decides, invents right and wrong, true and false.

There have been many stops on the way to this Supreme Court decision relegating marriage, as we have known and understood it for millennia, to a casual fiction that could come out of Hollywood.

One stop we might note was the Supreme Court's decision in 1980, Stone v. Graham, that said that posting the Ten Commandments in a public school is unconstitutional.

A free society must start with a foundation of rules. If our biblical tradition is not the source of these rules, what rules do define how we live and where do these rules come from?

The preamble of our Constitution tells us that its purpose is to secure the "blessings of liberty."

What is a blessing? The first definition in my Webster's New World Dictionary says that a blessing is "a statement of divine favor."

How can we secure divine favor in a nation for which the divine is unconstitutional? A prideful nation by definition must be a nation that rejects the idea of a blessing.

In the pride that precedes destruction in America of 2013, we reject that there are truths that don't come out of a laboratory. We reject that that there are truths that parents get from their parents and pass on to their children.

Wow!!!  She absoulutely nailed it!  I wish this could be published in every paper across the nation.  But sadly, we already know that only a few will read it.

Friends, God's warnings are everywhere!  The massive fires sweeping the West, the massive hurricane that decimated the East, the financial system teetering on the edge, the massive floods, the headlines that read, "NEVER" or "EVER"....these are all a wake up call for this nation that we NEED TO REPENT or God will destroy us.

Sadly, we have joined a whole host of other prophecy watchers who believe that America has already passed the point of no return.

As Jan Markell recently said, (and I paraphrase), "If you look out and see the daily headlines you can become overwhelmed.  If you look up and focus on eternal things you will be encouraged."

Remember the words of that old hymn...."Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."


Hat tip to Wilson R.

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