
Monday, July 29, 2013

Syria is in a Free Fall

The United Nations human rights expert says that Syria is in a free fall...with each side engaged in dispicable acts which expose the nature of this Satanic blood bath.

he head of the U.N. commission investigating human rights abuses in Syria says the country is in "free fall" and has become a battlefield where civilians are the main victims of "acts of terror" from indiscriminate shelling to rape and sectarian killing.
Paulo Pinheiro told the U.N. General Assembly Monday that "massacres and other unlawful killings are perpetrated with impunity" _ most by pro-government forces and some by anti-government armed groups.

He demanded that the government stop using imprecise weapons such as unguided missiles on civilian areas, and said both sides must stop laying siege to cities and towns, cutting off vital supplies of food, water, medicine and electricity.

Pinheiro said the international community must demand a diplomatic solution to the 2 1/2-year conflict that has killed over 100,000 people.


I can hear the liberals now..."But Dennis, the U.S. had it's own blood bath of a Civil War 150 years ago...what's the difference?"

Ummmm.....can you find any stories in history of Union or Confederate soldiers torturing, raping, killing and dismembering women and children in the cities near their battlefields? b  Nop

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