
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Underground Cities in America?

Check out this article and video that shows that the powerful and elites of America are getting ready to go underground when catastrophe comes.

According to the video...this is coming soon.  The tunnels are being stocked and people are getting ready to go underground.

Those of us who aren't invited to go into the tunnels will be left above ground to fend for ourselves.

Also notice that the Denver International Airport plays prominently in this article and again we have the "alien" agenda showing up with mention of Area 51.


Aren't you eternally grateful that our Savior told us NOT TO FEAR??

Our adversary, the devil, is exceedingly powerful...but FEAR NOT...because Jesus has overcome the world and WE ARE HIS BRIDE!  He WILL NOT LEAVE US BEHIND!

As always, you can watch and read and decide for yourselves whether this is credible information...however, please remember that Satan is incredibly powerful and I have an idea that his plan for the Last Days will literally blow people away.

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