
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Who Really Wants to Have Kids?

The cover of Time Magazine from August 12, 2013 says, THE CHILDFREE LIFE...When having it all means not having children.

God says to "be fruitful and multiply."  We are told that children are a blessing again and why are Americans choosing NOT to have children? 

The birthrate in the U.S. is the lowest in recorded American history.  From 2007 to 2011, the most recent year for which there's data, the fertility rate declined 9%. A 2010 Pew Research report showed that childlessness has risen across all racial and ethnic groups, adding up to about 1 in 5 American women who end their childbearing years maternity-free, compared with 1 in 10 in the 1970s.

The decision to have a child or not is a private one, but it takes place, in America, in a culture that often equates womanhood with motherhood. Any national discussion about the struggle to reconcile womanhood with modernity tends to begin and end with one subject: parenting. If you're a woman who's not in the mommy trenches, more often than not you're excluded from the discussion. But being sidelined doesn't exempt childless women from being scolded. The Weekly Standard's Jonathan V. Last has made the case in his controversial book What to Expect When No One's Expecting that the selfishness of the childless American endangers our economic future by reducing the number of consumers and taxpayers. With fertility treatment widely available, not to mention adoption, even clinically infertile women have more options than ever to become mothers, which increases the possibility that any woman who doesn't will be judged for her choice.

Even so, women who choose not to become mothers are finding new paths of acceptance. As their ranks rise, so do positive attitudes about leading a life in which having it all doesn't mean having a baby.

Read more:,9171,2148636,00.html#ixzz2byuHKzLg

Ohhh!!  Now I get it!!!  Because Americans want to HAVE IT ALL....and that can be better accomplished by NOT having kids!

Of course the picture on the cover is of a young couple laying on the beach, all smiles...because, of course, they have no kids.

How sad!!  I am convinced that one way the Gospel of Jesus Christ is to be spread is by God-fearing mothers and fathers raising Godly children who will go forth and evangelize all those around them....but now Western society would much rather lay on a beach and spend money on themselves rather than to be "bothered" with raising some snot-nosed, expensive brats.

So please don't be surprised that Western, white people are becoming extinct.  We aren't even replacing ourselves anymore!!

But you know who IS having lots of kids??


Now open your calculator and figure out what comes next if the Lord tarries.....


  1. > "We aren't even replacing ourselves anymore"

    If the "we" here means USA, rest assured there is (more than) replacement. e.g. in 2011 in USA

    3.95 million births,

    2.51 million deaths,

    i.e. a large increase (because deathrate is low)

    You might also find interesting:

  2. Hi Dr. John,
    thanks for your comments and also the linked article, which appears to be written by you. I will print it and try to get it read soon.

    Have you ever read the book America Alone by Mark Steyn? It shows how birth rates and death rates in Western nations are leading many of those nations toward populations with many OLD people and very few young people to pay for the old people. This appears to be coming for our own Social Security system, which used to have 10+ workers to support one worker on benefits....and now is heading toward 2-3 workers supporting one. Those upside down pyramids don't seem to last very long as they are unsustainable.

    Also he speaks of the birth rates of Muslims vs. Christians and it shows another interesting (disturbing) trend.

    So while it might be "good" to have the death rate may bankrupt society to have millions of people 90+ yrs old who are requiring $$billions of care dollars.

    Also, I assume the number is very low in America, but of the 3.95 million many of those are projected to make it out to an age when they are productive citizens paying taxes? I did notice that over 40% of those births were to unmarried we know that spells lots of problems for society in about 13-18 yrs when those fatherless children will begin their trouble-making years.

    So when I said, "we" I was kind of thinking about Western white people....who may already be a minority in the USA.

    I am VERY concerned about the 70% of black babies being born to single mothers. That is going to lead to an epic crime rate which we are already witnessing in Chicago and other black dominated cities.

    I'm not fearful about any of these trends...just interested in where society, led by perverted and sinful taking itself. I would say as I survey the news that we are leading ourselves toward the biggest calamity in human history.
