
Monday, September 16, 2013

Al Qaeda Calls for Attacks Inside USA

Do you remember a handful of months ago when two Muslim brothers in Boston blew up some pressure cookers at the Boston Marathon...killing and injuring dozens?

Do you remember how the entire city got shut down and a curfew was put in force while 3000 SWAT officers looked for these brothers?

Do you know how much that cost the city of Boston to orchestrate that police activity?  Do you know how much it cost the city of Boston in lost worker production as every worker stayed home...terrified of one Muslim with a gun OR the 3000 men with rifles looking for him?

Do you think Al Qaeda also realizes what would happen to America if they could repeat that Boston scenario 300 times over?

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri urged small-scale attacks inside the United States to "bleed America economically," adding he hoped eventually to see a more significant strike, according to the SITE monitoring service.
In an audio speech released online a day after the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 strikes, Zawahri said attacks "by one brother or a few of the brothers" would weaken the US economy by triggering big spending on security, SITE reported.

Western counter-terrorism chiefs have warned that radicalized "lone wolves" who might have had no direct contact with al-Qaeda posed as great a risk as those who carried out complex plots like the 9/11 attacks.
"We should bleed America economically by provoking it to continue in its massive expenditure on its security, for the weak point of America is its economy, which has already begun to stagger due to the military and security expenditure," he said.
Keeping America in such a state of tension and anticipation only required a few disparate attacks "here and there", he said

"As we defeated it in the gang warfare in Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan, so we should follow it with ...war on its own land. These disparate strikes can be done by one brother or a few of the brothers."

 At the same time, Muslims should seize any opportunity to land "a large strike" on the United States, even if this took years of patience.


Yep...I guess Al Qaeda already DOES realize how America could be brought to our knees....just make everyone terrified to go to the mall or public gathering for fear that a Muslim with a pressure cooker or a gun could be there to cause carnage.

Pretty soon Americans would be BEGGING for the military to patrol the streets and they wouldn't even complain about curfews.....just KEEP US SAFE!!!

Of the 3,000,000 Muslims in America, is it possible that there could be a handful more like the Boston brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?

Hat tip to Julie E.

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