
Monday, September 30, 2013

Assad Posesses Weapons to "Blindside" Israel

Assad had quite an interview last week!

First off he said they have some serious weapons they could hit Israel with anytime they want.

Then he went off on Obama saying how weak he was.

And finally he promised that Russia would enter any war waged against Syria....of course meaning this as a threat to the U.S.

Syria has deterrent weapons, more advanced than anything in its chemical arsenal, that could blindside Israel in mere moments, Syrian President Bashar Assad claimed Thursday.

"Originally, we produced chemical weapons in the 1980s as a deterrent to Israel’s nuclear capabilities,” Assad said in an interview with the Hezbollah-affiliated, Lebanon-based Al-Akhbar newspaper, adding that “today, we have weapons that are far more important and sophisticated and that can blindside Israel in the blink of an eye.”

Referring to his regime’s chemical weapons arsenal, which, under a US-Russian agreement reached earlier this month, is due to be destroyed by mid-2014, Assad said that his stockpile, of about 1,000 tons, is a burden and will be costly and time-consuming to dispose of.
The Syrian president went on to mock President Barack Obama as “hesitant” and “weak.” He called the US administration’s handling of the threat to attack Syria — in response to the regime’s alleged chemical attack in Damascus on August 21 that killed over 1,400 people according to US officials — an “embarrassment.”
“The steps we’ve taken embarrassed the US government in the eyes of the American and European publics. Obama lost in his own home [turf]. where [he] lost the ability to maneuver internally,” Assad added.
In a previous interview with Venezuelan television, the Syrian president accused the Obama administration of lying to US citizens by claiming it had proof that Assad’s government was responsible for the August 21 gas attack.
Assad told Al-Akhbar that the level of Syrian cooperation and coordination with Russia was “unprecedented” and that should a US attack on Syria occur — a possibility he did not rule out — he had Moscow’s assurances that Russian forces would be sent to back the regime.
“We have a full Russian pledges that Russian troops will enter in any war waged against Syria,” he was quoted as saying.
Does it feel like we are losing our swagger as a super-power?  Does it feel like the bad guys on planet earth are soon going to operate with impunity?  Does it feel like the wicked are getting ready to prosper?  Does it feel like we have a commander in chief who really has no clue what he is doing and simply can't fathom why the world's leaders refuse to fall in line with his "reset" agenda?
Do you get the idea that Obama has no clue who Jesus Christ is....yet probably knows much more about the false religion of Islam than he lets on?
No doubt America has been made weaker in the eyes of the world.  Like any good parent, Obama needs to understand that drawing red lines while having no intentions of enforcing those lines....only makes you look bad and makes all the children more willing to misbehave when they realize the threats are all talk and no action. 
Let's all continue to be in prayer for the revival of this country.  We need Holy Spirit filled people to keep the evil at bay.  And as always, continue to pray for she is being surrounded by evil men.

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