
Monday, September 9, 2013

Charlie Rose Interviews Bashar Assad

I watched some of the interview this morning on CBS NEWS.  Assad says that Obama and Co. have offered NO EVIDENCE that the Syrian government forces were behind the ALLEGED chemical attack.

He goes on to tell Charlie that if the USA strikes his country...the USA should 'expect everything' in the form of retaliation...and that the retaliation could come from his government forces and also the friends of his government.

Syrian President Bashar Assad warned America and its allies to expect multiple forms of retaliation, possibly including a chemical attack, if the US goes ahead with a military strike on Syria, in remarks published Monday by CBS News.

Assad, speaking to Charlie Rose in a Damascus interview, said Syria was “not the only player in the region” and, if an attack occurs, the US and allies in return “should expect everything. Not necessarily from the government.”

“You have different parties, you have different factions, you have different ideology. You have everything in this region now,” Assad said, in what CBS News said was likely a reference to his close allies Iran and Hezbollah, which have threatened to hit Israel.

When asked if the response to a US attack could include chemical weapons, the Syrian leader replied that “it could happen” but only “if the rebels or the terrorists in this region or any other group have it.”
“I don’t know. I’m not a fortune teller,” Assad added. Damascus currently maintains that rebel groups hold chemical weapons.
The possible US strike would come in response to a reported chemical attack by the Syrian regime in late August that left some 1,400 people dead according to an American assessment. Obama is hoping to get approval from Congress later this week for  a “limited” punitive response.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials have assessed a “low” probability of the Assad regime or its allies hitting Israel in response to a US-led attack on Syria, though Syrian and Iranian leaders have repeatedly threatened to strike Israel if Obama goes ahead with military intervention.
Of course, what would we EXPECT him to say?  He certainly isn't going to admit he knew about the chemical attack...even if he did!  And he certainly isn't going to say, "Oh please, please, please America!!  Don't attack us!!  I am terrified for my life!!" 
So while it is interesting to watch the interview, I seriously doubt we will LEARN anything new about Syria and/or Assad.
Meanwhile the rumors of war continue to build.....

1 comment:

  1. Assad was scary competent and articulate. IF I believed in the AntiChrist, he would be a candidate. I hope you saw the whole interview. I watched the whole interview last night, VERY CAREFULLY. I watched for glitches, tells, anything. Assad is a brutal man, but he is so far above Barack Obama in skill and articulation under pressure it's scary. He never flinched, he never stumbled, he sat under the most withering of verbal fire from Charlie Rose and held his ground. It made me wish we had a leader with his competence (not brutality). We haven't had one for quite some time... Clinton might have been our last and Reagan before him, then all the way back to JFK. We have had a pretty weak stable of horses, and this one is the weakest. We must start electing better Presidents.
