
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

D.C. Shooter Heard "Voices"

Are we starting to see some type of pattern here when heinous crimes are committed?  Why would a lady drive her kids into a lake and drown them?  Why would a lady cut the head off her 4 year old daughter?  Why would a man slit the throat of his 3 daughters while they slept in bed?  Why would this man start randomly shooting people at the Navy Yard yesterday?


Now, of course, the science department at your local university will always give the same answer...."these folks had a MENTAL PROBLEM and they were paranoid schizophrenics requiring massive amounts of drugs to quiet those voices."

WASHINGTON -- Investigators still don't know why Aaron Alexis went on a bloody shooting spree Monday that left 12 people dead but clues are emerging that the military veteran had suffered from serious mental illness and could act quickly -- and violently -- when angered.

U.S. law enforcement officials told the Associated Press that Alexis, who died in a shootout with law enforcement officers, had paranoia and a sleep disorder and was "hearing voices" in his head.

The wire service, quoting unidentified sources, said Alexis had been treated since August by the U.S. Veterans Affairs for serious mental illness, including "hearing voices." The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the criminal investigation was continuing.

Nutpisit Suthamtewakul met Alexis around three years ago at a Fort Worth Buddhist temple and quickly became friends with him. Alexis moved in with Suthamtewakul, who owns the Happy Bowl Thai restaurant, and the two would have late-night drinking sessions, fueled by Heineken beer.

Suthamtewakul would move four times over the next three years. Alexis moved with him. Struggling to keep a job, Alexis didn't contribute to the rent but would come to Suthamtewakul's restaurant and help with deliveries for free, including to some of Fort Worth's roughest neighborhoods, Suthamtewakul said. Often, Alexis would have his .45-caliber pistol tucked in his belt, he said.


So....let's pull out our Bibles and paste some of these clues emerging about yesterday's shooter;  1) was hearing voices, 2) was prone to drunkenness using Heineken beer, 3) was a Buddhist.

With those clues, we are now going to solve the case of the D.C. shooter. 

The shooter had no clue how to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6) and hence was not able to protect himself against the Evil One.  Every time he got drunk on Heineken (which the Bible warns against), the demons of Satan would creep a little further into his mind. (Love the Lord your God with all your strength and all your MIND)  He would then go to the Buddhist temple to try and figure out how to clear these voices that had started harassing him....but had no clue he was stepping out of the furnace and into the fire...since a Buddhist temple is a favorite haunt of demons!!  The strength of the demons finally overtook his mind and ordered him to go on a shooting rampage...probably telling him that HE DESERVED BETTER TREATMENT than he was getting from the THEY SHOULD PAY!!!

Tragic.  Demons cause even more mayhem.

I pray the Lord will be with all these families who lost innocent loved ones yesterday.  I pray that Jesus will draw near to them and use this tragedy to lead some of the lost into eternal life.

So now that WE have solved the case....what do you think the media is going to focus on for the next 30 days??

Yep!!....those NASTY, VIOLENT GUNS!!!

How ironic that Obama is trying to send assault weapons to Syrian civilians so they can protect themselves from their own government....but the liberals of America are trying to put a ban on assault weapons being owned by law abiding Americans.

You can't make that up!!

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