
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

States Move Ahead With Food Stamp Cuts

What happens to a nation when 1 in 6 of its citizens can't afford to feed themselves so end up relying on a government program to buy food?

What happens when that same government can't afford to fund said program?

I'm sure when the program was put on the books it was most likely believed it was needed to feed a few thousand people who had fallen on tough times....and in their wildest dreams had no idea it would be called upon by 48,000,000 Americans.

Some states are already embracing deep cuts to the food stamp program similar to those passed by House Republicans in Washington, ending the food subsidy for tens of thousands of low-income Americans regardless of what Congress does.

Spurred by the ballooning cost of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the GOP-dominated House voted Thursday 217-210 to cut $39 billion in the food assistance program over 10 years. Among the changes: Ending waivers for states that during the recession allowed as many as 4 million people to collect food stamps who otherwise would not have qualified.

The fate of the congressional legislation is uncertain. The Senate approved much smaller reductions, and the White House threatened to veto any large cuts to food stamps.

But in six states—Delaware, Kansas, New Hampshire, Utah, Vermont and Wyoming—similar reductions are already in place, or soon will be. Two more states will join them once their waivers expire, potentially taking away food stamps from tens of thousands of current recipients.


What???  Obama promised to veto any cuts to food stamps??? 

Well, there is a surprise...who would you suppose people on food stamps vote for when elections come up...Democrats or Republicans?? 

Of course the Apostle Paul said clearly, "If a man won't work then he shouldn't eat."

No doubt there are good people who have had bad breaks that NEED help buying food....but since WHEN did the U.S. Government come up with the grand idea that it was THEIR job to legislate a program in which to do that?

Maybe the local church should be figuring out a way to care for ITS MEMBERS who have fallen on tough times?  Maybe the care and love that we give each other would make unbelievers JEALOUS of the love and care that we have for our widows and orphans and would end up being attracted to what we have??  Maybe they would come to their local church when hard times come and would end up witnessing the hands and feet of Jesus and accept the Lord as the Savior?

What if we all added up all the money we pay in taxes that end up going to social programs and instead paid that same money into our local church's benevolent fund?  Can you imagine the money that would be in there managed by God's people to care for God's people? 

Can you imagine what a different country this would now be if the churches cared for their own folks instead of people running to the bankrupt government with their hands out expecting to be fed, clothed, housed and given FREE medical care??

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