
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Top 1% Get Biggest Income Slice EVER

It would appear that America is moving into the realm of either SUPER RICH, barely getting by or poor....those would be the 3 classifications.  No doubt the middle class is dying.  A recent poll found that the vast majority of Americans don't have $500 in savings and would have no way to get $500 if they really needed it!

And of course we are all well aware of the 48,000,000 folks on food stamps who clearly don't have enough money to buy their own food.

So this headline shouldn't really surprise us.

Top 1% take biggest income slice on record

The gulf between the richest 1% of the USA and the rest of the country got to its widest level in history last year.

The top 1% of earners in the U.S. pulled in 19.3% of total household income in 2012, which is their biggest slice of total income in more than 100 years, according to a an analysis by economists at the University of California, Berkeley and the Paris School of Economics at Oxford University.

The richest Americans haven't claimed this large of a slice of total wealth since 1927, when the group claimed 18.7%. The analysis is based on data from Internal Revenue Service data.

One of the economists behind the research, Emmanuel Saez of the University of California, Berkeley, is a top researcher in the topic of wealth and income inequality. He won the John Bates Clark medal last year. The Clark medal is awarded to the most promising economists under the age of 40. Past winners have includes Paul Krugman of Princeton University, Lawrence Summers and Steve Levitt, co-author of "Freakonomics."

In a separate analysis, Saez found the top 1% of earnings posted 86% real income growth between 1993 and 2000. Meanwhile, the real income growth of the bottom 99% of earnings rose 6.6%.


Of course the liberals among us would point to this information and say, "We need to tax the heck out of that 1% and give it to the rest of the folks who have nothing!"

Of course the conservatives among us would say, why aren't more people willing to work hard, study hard and keep their noses clean so they can make something for themselves?  How is stealing other people's wealth going to make things better for anybody??  It's called STEALING!!"

And of course history says that a society won't last very long when the Middle class disappears.  Revolution and anarchy are usually around the corner someplace.

The Bible would probably confirm that society gets to this point because of SIN.  We have the sin of greed, the sin of idolatry, the sin of sloth...and when you mix in drugs, alcoholism, divorce, boys raised with no dads to give them Godly advice, girls acting like tramps and having kids out of wedlock, and a public school system run by liberals, graduating kids from high school who can't read or make a real stew full of mess.

I seriously doubt a Republican or a Tea Partier or a Libertarian is going to be able to pull this country back from the abyss.  I believe it is going to take an act of God to bail out this sinking ship.

We are dying because of a famine...not of food but of the Word of  God.

So what do we do in the meantime??  Keep spreading the Good News of Jesus to every person that God puts in your path.

If the 1 billion folks on earth who claim to be Christians could disciple ONE PERSON in the next year and then those 2 billion could each disciple ONE PERSON the following year....the entire 7 billion folks on planet earth would all be Christ followers in less than 3 years!!

"Go and make disciples...", said Jesus.

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