
Monday, October 21, 2013

New Jersey Becomes 14th State to Legalize Gay Marriage

The dominoes continue to fall as New Jersey gets added to the list of gay marriage states.

At 12:01 a.m., New Jersey joined 13 other states and the District of Columbia in allowing gay couples to marry.
As images of joyous wedding celebrations from Jersey City to Asbury Park filled the airwaves, Mr. Christie sent a letter overnight to the lawyers fighting on behalf of the gay couples in the court case, and to the Supreme Court, announcing that he would drop any further opposition.
Lawrence Lustberg, who argued the case for the gay and lesbian couples before the state Supreme Court, said that as he attended the overnight wedding celebrations, he was anticipating the governor’s decision, which was then confirmed by the letter.
“I think the handwriting was on the wall as clearly as it could possibly be,” Mr. Lustberg said. “The governor had always said he would fight this all the way up to the Supreme Court, but he didn’t say he was going to fight it to the Supreme Court twice. As a matter of reasonable lawyering on the one hand, and a clear perception of what the court’s position was on the other, this was inevitable.”
How ironic (really?) that Mr. Lustberg quotes a story from the book of Daniel when he refers to "the handwriting on the wall".  Really?...the dude's name is LUSTberg?
Of course, Bible readers will immediately realize that when the unattached hand of God wrote on the wall in Babylon, that the message was one of doom and destruction.  That VERY NIGHT the great Babylonian empire came crashing down as the Medes and Persians (Iranians) came marching in under the great walls by using a dried up river bed.
This nation is LOADED WITH SIN!  How long will God allow us to stand when we openly start embracing and celebrating lifestyles that CLEARLY fall outside of God's plan for humanity?
Please remember, rampant divorce, access to disgusting porn, tearing babies out of wombs, gluttony, greed, fornication and love of self...also push us toward our coming day of judgment.
God will NOT be mocked.


  1. It is crazy how someone can blindly quote the bible or use biblical references and not realize they are speaking judgment! The book "The Harbinger" points out other times our leaders have done this.

  2. * I am curious what you and others think about what happened with the court stenographer last week! No one seems to be talking about it.

  3. Hi :),
    I have read the Harbinger and found it most interesting. I believe God does send warnings to His people...but most don't have the discernment to even comprehend this possibility. As far as the stenographer goes, I did a few posts on it last week. It appears that she is a Bible reading woman who loves the Lord and follows Charles Stanley. She says she was awoken numerous nights with a message from the Holy Spirit that she was supposed to say the things she said from the podium of congress. She couldn't ignore the prompting anymore, so she got up and did just that! Of course the world will think she is insane and sent her for "evaluation"...but when you read what she said, it all lined up with Truth. So MAYBE she is just one more witness who is clearly telling us that America is ripe for judgment?
