
Friday, October 11, 2013

Obama Pressuring Israel About Land...Again!

The Bible is pretty clear that God has laid an eternal claim to the Promised he promised to the Jews forever.  It is also pretty clear that it will not go well for the nations who are involved in dividing up this land.

So is it a coincidence that a massive blizzard, never before seen this early, pummeled South Dakota and wiped out at least 75,000 head of cattle?  Have you guys even heard of that catastrophe??  If not you can see the pictures here;

So what is Team Obama up to these days...besides talking daily about the U.S. government defaulting on some of its obligations?

Well, it turns out they may be pressuring Israel to give up parts of the Jordan Valley to make way for another screwed up Islamic state for the Palestinian Arabs.

The Obama administration is pressing hard for Israel to give up the strategic Jordan Valley in a deal with the Palestinians, a senior Palestinian negotiator told KleinOnline.
The current round of U.S.-brokered talks is attempting to hash out the specifics of a plan for the valley.
Obama’s proposal calls for international forces to maintain security control along with unarmed Palestinian police forces, the PA negotiator said. Israel will retain security posts in some strategic areas of the Jordan Valley, according to the U.S. plan.

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