
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Putin Tops Obama

Now here is an interesting headline coming from ABC NEWS:

Vladimir Putin Tops Obama as ‘World’s Most Powerful Person’

Vladimir Putin has usurped President Obama as the Forbes’ Most Powerful Person in the World this year for the first time in Obama’s presidency.

The magazine published its annual list today and noted that the Russian president had overtaken the American one in part because of Russia’s role in the Syria conflict this summer.

“Putin has solidified his control over Russia and anyone watching the chess match over Syria has a clear idea of the shift in the power towards Putin on the global stage,” Forbes wrote. “The ex-KGB strongman–who controls a nuclear-tipped army, a permanent seat on the U.N. Security Council and some of the world’s largest oil and gas reserves – is allowed to serve another six-year term, which could keep him in office until 2024.”

Putin has flaunted his power over the past year, including during heightened tensions with the U.S. over Syria when he penned an Op-Ed critical of Obama and published it in The New York Times.

As Russia and the U.S. came to agreement over disarming Syria, Putin was also touting the fact that he provided refuge for Edward Snowden, the intelligence leaker sought by the U.S. for publishing National Security Agency’s secrets.

As Russia prepares to host the Olympics early next year, Putin used his clout to change the official launch date of the Soyuz spacecraft so that it could take with it the Olympic torch for a spacewalk, making Russia the country that netted the torch the most miles before an Olympics.


Now open your Bibles to Ezekiel 38 and notice that RUSSIA seems to be leading a coalition of Muslim nations, like Turkey, Iran, Libya and others, on a mission to destroy Israel once and for all.

Does Putin kind of fit the character of Gog of Magog?  Yep.

Is he actually Gog of Magog?  We have NO IDEA!!!

Many prophecy watchers believe that Ezekiel 38 won't play out until AFTER THE RAPTURE, so just like we won't know who the Antichrist is (because he won't be revealed until after the rapture, see 2 Thess. 2:5), we also may never know who Gog of Magog is.

BUT....if we followers of Christ can see all the decorations being put out for Christmas, we can be certain that Thanksgiving is close!

In the same way, if we followers of Christ can see all the decorations being put out for The Tribulation, our blessed hope is that the rapture is close.

"After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."  1 Thessalonians 4:17

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