
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Russia Starts Moving Into Egypt

Let's review the recent story in Egypt.

Mubarak used to be their dictator.  He kept the peace with Israel and kept the terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood out of power.  He also made sure the Christians could worship as they like in Egypt.

The unrest, called the Arab Spring, slides into Egypt and a certain about of people demand that Mubarak step down.  OBAMA DITCHES HIM and supports the "popular uprising" of the people.  Mubarak goes down in flames.

The "popular uprising" turns out to be the Muslim Brotherhood and they take over the government.

After one year, the Egyptian military says "Enough" to the Muslim Brotherhood and throws them out, arrests all their leaders and takes over the government.  Along the way they kill hundreds of people.

So now what is Obama to do?  He has no clue what to do....but finally decides to cut military funding for the Egyptian military...funding we have done for over 30 years as long as they keep the peace with Israel.

So now do you suppose is going to step into this little mess?

Following weakening of Egypt-US ties, Sunday Times reports Moscow may be eying Egypt's Mediterranean ports for naval use.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning a possible state visit to Egypt in order to take advantage of frayed ties between Washington and Cairo and possibly gain access to Egypt's Mediterranean ports, The Sunday Times reported.

The United States announced October 9 that it had decided to "hold the delivery of certain large-scale military systems and cash assistance to the [Egyptian] government pending credible progress toward an inclusive, democratically elected civilian government through free and fair elections."

The US move came days after 57 people were killed in clashes in Egypt amid the crackdown by security forces on supporters of ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.

According to the Times, Putin is seeking to resume military ties with Egypt in light of the vacuum created by Washington's decision and fears of a return to the Cold War era rivalry in the region.

Among Russia's motivations, the Times suggests, is access to Egypt's Mediterranean ports. Russia's current point of access to the Mediterranean is the Syrian port of Tartus, which could be in jeopardy if Russian ally Bashar Assad's regime falls.

“Tartus is vulnerable and not good enough and the Egyptian ports are perfect for the Russian navy,” the Times quoted an Israeli defense source as saying.

The Times reported that Putin is also seeking to fill the void left by the US withdrawal from Iraq and strained ties between Washington and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

“The US is in retreat all over the Middle East: Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. And the Russians are stepping in and intend to stay,” the Times quoted an Israeli security source as saying.


Yes....the US is in retreat all over the Middle East.  Watch how our power fades as we continue to turn from the God who gave us our power and blessings.

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