
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Hot New Game Kids Are Playing

Kids will be unruly, ungrateful, lovers of violence....

Now watch this video that shows kids (all of them black) walking up to unsuspecting people and punching them in the face to knock them out.  The knocked out people smash their heads on the sidewalk and the laughing kids continue walking away.

See it here;

Certainly this world is preparing for the Tribulation.

If these kids act this way even when the government is giving them free food, free schools, free apartments and free cell phones (ObamaPhones)....what do you think they are going to act like when the food stamps and free apartments start to run out?

Do you think kids like this would hesitate to stab you in the neck to take something they want and justify it by saying, "I needed that food, man!!"

So where is Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton to protest all this BLACK VIOLENCE??  Why is it that they ONLY CARE if a white has committed violence on a black....but seem to care less when the table is turned?

Could they be RACE BAITERS just out to stir the pot?

Also remember that Jesus said that nation would rise against nation near the end of the age. (Matthew 24)  Some watchers have clarified that to mean RACE AGAINST the black nation will rise against the Latino nation and they will both rise against the white nation.... right here in the streets of America.  You can already see the foreshadowing all around.

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