
Monday, November 25, 2013

Israel is "Fuming" Over Iran Deal

Did you see the video out of Iran this morning??  The nuclear negotiators got treated to a ticker-tape parade upon their return home.  You would think they had just won the Super Bowl as the crowds lined the streets to cheer them on.

Why were they all so happy?  Because they had just struck a deal that was all positive for Iranians quest to enter the nuclear age...and they are viewing it as another victory over The West.

Thanks Team Obama!  You have just made the world a more dangerous place!!  You just kicked the can down the road for another 6 months while Iran spins centrifuges and cooks a bomb!!  It will be even harder to deal with them in 6 months!

Oh well....what do you care?  Iran nuking Israel would just be a bad day for you and your family....but another Holocaust for the Jews of Israel.

Iran on Sunday hailed the nuclear deal it reached with Western powers as a victory over "the Zionists," while Israel fumed over the details of the agreement, even as US President Barack Obama insisted it would improve the security of the Jewish state.

"All plots hatched by the Zionist regime to stop the nuclear agreement have failed," Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said to his nation's media from Geneva.

The deal signed on Sunday is only the first in many proposed steps. It requires Iran to temporarily freeze its nuclear program (while leaving it fully intact) in exchange for a lessening of Western sanctions.

Over the coming six months, Zarif said Iran will give America and its Western allies an opportunity to prove their trustworthiness to the Islamic Republic before moving on to the second step.
Israeli officials seemed incredulous that Obama could enter, eyes fully opened, into such an arrangement.

"What was agreed to last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake," said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Sunday's cabinet meeting. "Today the world has become much more dangerous because the most dangerous regime in the world took a significant step to getting the most dangerous weapon in the world."


Israel is all alone!  The USA just stuck a knife in her back.

Former Ambassador John Bolton said Team Obama did this deal to prevent Israel from striking Iran.  He said that if Israel were to strike Iran after Team Obama just struck this deal that Israel would be viewed as the world's pariah if and when it ends up striking Iran's nuclear facilities.

"But Dennis, wouldn't you prefer a peace deal with Iran that Team Obama just signed instead of a war?"

That's such a stupid question.  If Iran is celebrating...why would anyone think this is a peace deal??  They have lied to the entire world for decades as they secretly work towards a nuclear bomb and openly threaten to annihilate Israel.  And now JUST WHEN THE SANCTIONS WERE WORKING....Team Obama goes in and releases the pressure.  WHY?????

I agree with Netanyahu,  "What was agreed to last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake,"

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