
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

North Korea Executes People With Bibles

Wow!  The majority of homes in America have a Bible in the house.  The Gideons have handed out millions to be put in hotel rooms....but how many of those homes would chuck out their Bibles if the government let it be known they would kill anyone who owned one?

Sadly, since MOST AMERICANS don't read their Bibles...I'm guessing lots of folks would say, "Oh well, I never read the stupid thing's just some old book of out it goes!!  I'm not risking my life for the silly thing."

Why do you suppose Satan HATES the Word of God so much??  Because it clearly spells out his eternal demise!!

Who do you suppose is in total control of North Korea??  Yep....Satan.

As many as 80 people were publicly executed in North Korea earlier this month, some for offenses as minor as watching South Korean movies or possessing a Bible.  

South Korean newspaper JoongAng Ilbo reported that the so-called criminals were put to death in seven cities across North Korea on Nov. 3, in the first known large-scale public executions by the Kim Jong-un regime.

A source, who is familiar with internal affairs in the North and who recently visited the country, told the paper that about 10 people were killed in each city.

Eight people -- their heads covered with white bags -- were tied to stakes at a local stadium in the city of Wonsan, before authorities shot them with a machine gun, according to the source. 

Wonsan authorities gathered a crowd of 10,000 people, including children, at Shinpoong Stadium and forced them to watch the killings.

“I heard from the residents that they watched in terror as the corpses were (so) riddled by machine-gun fire that they were hard to identify afterward,” the JoongAng Ilbo source said.

Most of the Wonsan victims were charged with watching or illegally trafficking South Korean videos, involvement in prostitution, or possessing a Bible.

Relatives or accomplices of the execution victims implicated in their alleged crimes were sent to prison camps.


Some might say, "I would be willing to die for my Bible!"  But how about if you knew your kids and grand kids would be murdered, raped or sent to hard-labor camps for the rest of their lives??  Would we still keep our Bibles??

Do you think our faith, here in America, will ever be put to the test?  Or do you think we will just continue to live our plush lives, sipping coffee and eating rolls in our padded church pews while we wait for the trumpet to blow so we can be ushered into Heaven??

I'm gonna have to ponder on that one for a while....

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