
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Obama and his Lies

One has to conclude that Obama is a liar.  This shouldn't surprise us as many of our leaders (Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton) have also been notorious liars.

Are they just speaking their native tongue?

Even the liberal media is beginning to shake their head at Obama over this latest health care debacle.

Watch as MSNBC puts a whole slough of video clips of Obama saying that you can keep your health care and doctors if you want.


It's amazing how many people will continue to see Obama as the messiah...even when he is continually caught in bold faced lies.

Have we finally elected the leaders that we deserve?  After all, more than half of the nation voted for him...even though he had never run a business, never had a real job and quite honestly has no idea how the real world works.  Witness his foreign policy...or lack there of.

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