
Monday, November 18, 2013

Obama Making Another Holocaust Possible

Many of you know who Ben Stein is.  He is the dry looking dude in glasses who used to do the Visene commercials for red eyes.  He also is the very intelligent narrator of a must-see movie from 4-5 years ago called EXPELLED.

He had these strong words to say about Obama and their idiotic bargaining they are engaged in with Iran.

Commentator Ben Stein said on Thursday that President Barack Obama's "deeply naïve" premise that Iran would suddenly end its nuclear activities in exchange for an easing of sanctions that have crippled its economy for five years would make the "annihilation" of Jews possible.

"Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terror," Stein said in
The American Spectator.  "The Iranians in the recent past have pledged to destroy the Jewish people in the Middle East.

"Some of their leaders have boasted that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, Iran will have 'a holocaust in an afternoon' by rocketing a few nuclear weapons into Israel," Stein added. "Naturally, the Israelis are desperately worried."

 Stein, who also is a commentator for Newsmax Magazine, said the Geneva negotiations resulted from "peace feelers" sent across the world by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, who was elected in June.

"If the western powers will greatly ease the sanctions, Iran, so they promise, will freeze its nuclear program where it stands now — some months from having a working bomb," Stein said, referring to world leaders who are encouraging an agreement.

Secretary of State John Kerry is representing the U.S. in the negotiations.

"The problem is," Stein continued, "that Iran has made many promises about stopping the nuclear program. It has not kept any of them. It has not signed the non-proliferation treaty. It has not allowed inspectors in its most secret plants. It has raced on towards nuclear weapons that could in a half-hour or less cause another holocaust.

"For Mr. Obama to trust these people — the same ones who killed 300 Marines in a terror attack in Beirut 30 years ago last month — to actually change their stripes and suddenly become trustworthy is deeply naive or worse," he said. "If that trust turns out to be mistaken, it’s a bad day for Mr. Obama. It’s death for Israel."

Yep...if missiles fly into Israel, it will just be another bad day for Obama, but could spell annihilation for Israel.

When the Jews say, "Never Again!" in reference to the Holocaust, you can bet your last dollar that they mean it.  

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