
Monday, November 4, 2013

We Are Not Alone

The Bible is clear...humans ARE special!!  And God made humans on planet earth!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his ONLY begotten son..."

To whom did He give His Son?  To humans so that He may atone for our sin.

And what did God come to earth as?  A human!  Born of the virgin Mary.

So what is the top headline coming across Google News right now??

Billions of Earth-Like Planets Exist, Scientists Say

About 4.4 billion planets are similar to Earth in size and temperature, suggesting they may be able to host life, according to a survey of the galaxy using telescopes operating in space and on the ground.

The scientists, including Geoffrey Marcy at the University of California at Berkeley, used those findings to extrapolate how many similar planets might exist across the galaxy. That number suggests Earth may not be so unique after all, he said.

About 20 percent of more than 100 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy are bodies like the sun.
About 22 percent of those sun-like stars are orbited by planets similar in size to Earth and in the so-called habitable zone, making them not too hot nor too cold to support life, according to the study.
That means there are more than 4.4 billion Earth-sized planets in habitable zones orbiting sun-like stars, Marcy said.

“With tens of billions of these water-laden Earth-size planets, surely some of them have all the necessary attributes of life,” Marcy said. “Our best shot is to point our radio and television antennas at them, hoping to pick up their Reality TV shows. Perhaps someday we will be part of a great Galactic Internet, communicating with our kindred spirits among the stars.”


Yes!!  We can now point our TV antennas toward those planets and start communicating with our 'kindred spirits among the stars"!!!!  Maybe we can even pick up their reality shows!!!

Holy mass of confusion!!

You see where this is going?.....since life just "happens" then certainly it has just happened on millions of other planets that are just like ours!!  There is nothing special about us!!  There is no DIVINE CREATOR!!  There are all sorts of other life forms who are watching TV, playing sports, running to school plays, worshiping their ideas about God!  This is all one big cosmic game!!  We have kindred spirits all over the Milky Way!!

So what happens if some of these "kindred spirits" start communicating with us?  What if they tell us that the Jesus that we know is NOT who he claimed to be??  What if they tell us that they know Jesus and he came to their planet in the form of a Pledian and he now has a new message for us the usurps the previous message that He gave to John in the book of Revelation??

How could we test these spirits to know if they are telling the truth?

1 John 4
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.

Of course the scientists will ridicule this passage and will also ridicule any HUMAN that believes it.

Can you see how deception and persecution are coming for any followers of Christ who cling to His word?

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