
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What If.....?

What if the Secret Power of Lawlessness that Apostle Paul speaks of in Thessalonians was really at work all along in the USA??  What if there really were no major differences between Republicans and Democrats but instead both parties were used as a tool, by the Secret Power of Lawlessness, to get Americans fighting amongst themselves...when it really doesn't matter WHO gets elected?  What if our political process, in these Last Days, was really just a big smoke screen to make sure we don't see the Secret Power of Lawlessness at work?

Judge Napolitano on Fox News asked some of those questions.  I have NO IDEA if he, in fact, got fired for saying these things....but his questions are good.

What if....?

See video here;

The judge asks these questions as secular questions...but what if Bible readers saw different light in his questions by applying them to a Biblical worldview?

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