
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What's Up With the Freemasons?

Most folks in America think that The Masons are just a club of men who get together to drink a few beers and do some community service.  Yes, for 90% of Freemasons that's probably exactly all it is.

But what if you are a 33rd Degree Mason?  Are you actually part of something heinous?  Could it all be part of a large Satanic plan that will sweep over the world in the very Last Days?

Furthermore, is it true that the Freemasons played a LARGE PART in setting up the entire city of Washington D.C.?  Is it true that their symbolism is everywhere?

But wait?....aren't we a Christian, God-fearing nation??  What if it turns out that we aren't??

Occult symbolism is everywhere, all throughout the world! But did you know that Washington D.C. was carefully mapped out according to Freemason symbolism?
The United States of America! So many generations have believed it to be a “Godly” nation, a nation founded on God by Christian people. At least, that is what most of us have been taught. But, it’s just not true, an it’s definitely a hard pill for many of us to swallow.
For example, the Statue of Liberty is Lucifer “the Light Bearer,” designed, constructed and built by Freemasons. Did you know that Osiris is code for the Antichrist? The Statue of Liberty was built to have the body of Isis, which was dedicated to Osiris, and the head of Apollo—representing the marriage of the Egyptian Osiris. And the Greek God Apollo, which, according to many ancient historians, are one in the same.
Looking down from above, Washington D.C. takes on a whole different appearance! From Hexagrams (not representing Israel) to triangles, eagles, and pentagrams, that’s only a small portion of the truth!
But we must ask, ‘why’? What is the future reason for the satanic, Masonic symbolism in our nation’s captial? I know and understand that many feel the Babylon of the book of Revelation is Rome and the Catholic Church; but, who’s to say that the United States is not part of that particular Biblical prophecy? Did you know that the Illuminati gods are the ancient gods of the Babylonians— Dagon, Baal, and more?
As you have time, I encourage you to watch every single video below. We need to wise up to what is going on, and what this nation was really built upon. Quit looking for God in America—you won’t find Him! Instead, look for God in your church. And if you can’t find Him there either, because He is no longer in many of the churches—they have abandoned the truth—find a church where He is!
Friends, please, please, please all of you be Bereans!  Don't believe everything your pastor tells you, don't believe everything your favorite radio preacher tells you, don't believe everything you read in the newspaper or that your Aunt Thelma forwarded to you via email...but instead TEST EVERYTHING!!!  We live in a time of HUGE DECEPTION....and it is only going to get worse as Satan prepares his endgame.
In the same way, don't believe everything I tell you or every article I post on my blog, but do some research and lay it alongside of Scripture and then decide for yourselves whether it passes the test.
"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit (man or angel), but test the spirits (men and angels) to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.  This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God; Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,..."  1 John 4:1-2

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