
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Global Warming Expedition Trapped in Ice

Have you guys seen this big ship full of scientists that went looking for evidence of global warming...and their ship got stuck in the ice?

Nature can be particularly cruel.

Just ask the global warming expedition trapped in ice off Antarctica. 

Chris Turney is a professor of climate change at the University of New South Wales.  He rounded up a few dozen pals, chartered a Russian ship, and set off on a taxpayer funded junket to Antarctica.

On Christmas day the expedition radioed for help after the ship became trapped in this year's tremendous Antarctic ice, which may set a record.

A Chinese ice breaker steamed in to the rescue, but found the ice too thick to reach the trapped warmists who are now hoping an Australian ice breaker might be able to get through.

You can't make this stuff up.
Nope! can't make this stuff up.

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