
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pope Named "Person Of The Year"

The Pope sure seems to be making the news as of late.  Remember when the old pope quit and they thought it would takes weeks or months to vote a new one into power?  What a surprise that it only took a few votes.  Some info (take it or leave it) coming from within the Papal vote said that the Cardinals gathered at the Vatican actually heard an audible voice telling them to elect Pope Francis...and that's why he was voted in so quickly.  Was that really the Holy Spirit talking?...or may it have been another spirit talking?

Well, anyway, the Pope is now Time Magazine's PERSON OF THE YEAR!

One lady I heard interviewed said, "I really like what the Pope is saying!  He's saying much better things than all the other Popes were!"

Really??  Is he tickling your ears more?  Do you like what he is saying about "not judging gays, perverts and adulterers"?  Do you like what he is saying about Islam being a great religion?  Do you like his universalist chatter that seems to be heading towards uniting all the "great religions" of the world?

Would that be a "good" thing according to the Bible and the words of Christ?

Pope Francis has been named Time Magazine's Person of the Year for 2013 beating out N.S.A. leaker Edward Snowden, who was named runner-up for the annual honor.

The final five contenders also included singer Syria's President Bashar Assad, Edith Windsor, the late lesbian activist whose case against the IRS paved the way for same-sex marriages in the United States, and Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX).

The first Latin American pope in history was elected to lead the Catholic Church following the resignation of Benedict XVI on March 13th. Since then Pope Francis has captured the hearts and minds of the millions with his lack of pretension and outspoken populism which has given him the nickname "The People's Pope."

"Rarely has a new player on the world stage captured so much attention so quickly – young and old, faithful and cynical – as has Pope Francis," wrote Time's managing editor, Nancy Gibbs. "In his nine months in office, he has placed himself at the very center of the central conversations of our time: about wealth and poverty, fairness and justice, transparency, modernity, globalization, the role of women, the nature of marriage, the temptations of power."

The 76-year-old Argentinean assumed the office during a bleak time for the Catholic church – ensnared in scandal, corruption and a loss of followers to evangelical Protestant orders. Time notes the Pope's compassion, humility, and focus on the poor has "changed the music" of the Catholic church and in the process has become "something of a rock star."

A spokesman for the Vatican, Jesuit father Federico Lombardi, issued a statement in response to the honor stating that the pope is "not someone who seeks fame and success, because he has put his life at the service of announcing the Gospel of the love of God for mankind. It is pleasing to the Pope that this service should appeal and give hope to women and men. And if this choice of ‘Person of the Year’ should mean that many people have understood this message – at least implicitly – the Pope is really happy about this."


Yes!  God loves every human being!!  So much so that he sent His Son, Jesus, to die a horrendous death so that ALL WHO REPENT and BELIEVE IN HIM will not have to suffer the fate of fallen mankind...which is eternity in HELL!

So what's wrong with the social gospel that the Pope seem to be heading towards and that so many people love to hear about?  IT HAS NO POWER TO SAVE FROM HELL!!

Doing good things and loving your neighbor DOES NOT relinquish you from your sins...and it DOES NOT excuse you from deserving a Christ less eternity in hell.  We are all GUILTY!

Men desperately WANT to hear that God loves them JUST THE WAY THEY ARE!!  Are you screwing your secretary behind your wife's worries...God loves you!!  Are you satisfying your perverted lusts by sleeping with multiple men at gay worries...God loves you just the way you are!!  Are you a selfish, greedy businessman who steals wealth from innocent people as your way of "doing business'?....don't fret...God loves you no matter what you do!!

NO!!  Telling people this lie is preaching ANOTHER GOSPEL which Paul warned us would increase in the Last Days!

The ONE, TRUE GOSPEL is that Jesus paid our price for sins, once and for all, on the cross.  And all who look upon Him, repent of their sins, and confess with their tongue and believe it in their hearts that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh...WILL BE SAVED!

It matters not how much time you give at the food shelf, how much money you give to the Humane Society, how many conversations you have with elderly shut ins, or any other good works that you have done.  In the end, without faith in Christ...all those works are simply menstrual rags.

And that, my friends, is the big problem with the social gospel.  It's a bunch of feel-good people doing feel-good things that have NO POWER to save them from the current wide path they are on that leads straight to hell.

It's hard not to look at this Pope and wonder if he may be the FALSE PROPHET that will be coming in the Last Days. 


  1. "The ONE, TRUE GOSPEL is that Jesus paid our price for sins, once and for all, on the cross. And all who look upon Him, repent of their sins, and confess with their tongue and believe it in their hearts that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh...WILL BE SAVED!"

    Is "repent of sins" a necessary condition/work for salvation? How come the apostle Paul still sinned post conversion (Romans 7)? Ironically, your words are very close to the Roman Catholic teaching on justification/ sanctification. Adding to the gospel is just as bad as the social gospel. You should repent! :)

    I find it amazing that repentance is never mentioned (not even one time!) in the book of John...which is arguably the most evangelistic book in the Bible. How could that be?

  2. Seriously anonymous? Yes Paul sinned, yes you sin, yes I sin...and we will sin every single day until the Lord returns or we die...whichever comes first.

    Matthew 4:17
    From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

    Matthew 11:20
    [ Woe on Unrepentant Towns ] Then Jesus began to denounce the towns in which most of his miracles had been performed, because they did not repent.

    Matthew 3:2
    and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

    Mark 6:12
    They went out and preached that people should repent.

    Acts 2:38
    Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.

    So anonymnous...not sure where you came up with the idea that being REPENTANT means being WITHOUT SIN. Clearly it doesn't mean that at all.

    Your point about John might be interesting to you...but the entire word of God is valuable for teaching, rebuking and learning in the ways of righteousness.

    Thanks for your comments...but I am very far from the Roman Catholic teachings...I can assure you.

    Do you find it interesting that the Master said numerous times to repent? How could that be that so many refuse to hear Him and heed His words?
